[Jayhawk-chapter] Notice of May Chapter business meeting

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Tue May 8 16:03:52 UTC 2018

Hello Jayhawk Federationists,


As I noted at our last meeting in April, our May meeting will convene this
coming Saturday, May 12 from 10 am to noon at the Lawrence Public Library in
Room A on the lower level. This change to second Saturday is made necessary
due to a room booking glitch caused by a change to a system that is not
screenreader friendly. LPL staff has been made aware of the problem.


At our meeting we will discuss possible changes in meeting date or time at
the request of some members, so please be there if you want to have direct
input as any change in meeting particulars would begin with our August


For your convenience I have posted the agenda below my signature block and
have also attached the MS-Word document.


Have a wonderful week and I hope to see you on Saturday morning.


Best regards,

Rob Tabor president National Federation of the Blind of Kansas

(785) 865-9959




National Federation of the Blind of Kansas JAYHAWK CHAPTER


Time:          10:00am - 12:00pm

Location:  Room A, Lawrence Public Library, 707 Vermont Street, Lawrence



1.     Call to order, welcome and introductions (If guests present)

2.     Review/modification of meeting agenda

3.     Presidential Release No. 472 by Dr. Mark A Riccobono, National

4.     Chapter president's and state  reports, Rob 

5.     Approve minutes for April, 2018

6.     Chapter treasurer's report, Brendy

7.     Fundraising updates,

(a)  Trivia tournament fundraiser update, Susan and Rob

(b) The Merc Change for the Community request update, Rob

8.     Remembering Loren Schmidt, charter chapter member, Rob, Cheryl, et

9.     NFB 2018 National Convention, donations to various NFB specialty
funds, all 

10. Possible trip to Apple Accessibility Day at Leawood Store, 5/17, all

11. Possible change of meeting day/time, all

12. Other old business

13. Other new Business




Chapter social gathering Saturday, June 16, 4:30 pm Conroy's Pub, 3115 West

Next meeting tbd August, 2018



I pledge to participate actively in the effort of the National Federation of
the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for the blind; to

support the policies and programs of the Federation; and to abide by its




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