[Jayhawk-Chapter] NFB state convention news, notes, and reminders
Rob Tabor
rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Mon Oct 26 18:26:21 UTC 2020
Howdy again y‘all,
> as I was preparing to end my missive of this morningI felt almost sure I was forgetting something and it now occurs to me that I was. I felt almost sure I was forgetting something and it now occurs to me that I was. The deadline to register for convention is October 31 which happens to coincide with Halloween. So don’t wait too long or you will be tricked out of a treat. Happy Halloween.
Best regards,
> On Oct 26, 2020, at 11:07 AM, Rob Tabor via Jayhawk-Chapter <jayhawk-chapter at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Hello Kansas federation family and friends,
> This morning I looked up from the mounds of paper on my virtual desktop and suddenly realize that state convention is less than two weeks away. For the first, and hopefully last time, we will conduct an all online convention this year due to the pandemic and governmental responses to it. we get underway on Friday, November 6, at 7:00 PM with meetings of the resolutions and nominating committees. A very full day of convention activities will commence on Saturday at 10:00 AM and will include among other things, a national report from our national representative Joe Ruffalo, National board member and president of our New Jersey state affiliate. The business meeting, normally held on Sunday morning, has been moved up to Saturday afternoon during which we will take action on the resolutions and will elect officers and some board members for the upcoming calendar year. The grand finale will be our virtual banquet which begins at 7:00 PM and will feature the keynote address by Joe Ruffalo and the presentation of our Ken TD Memorial scholarship award winners. Some of our chapters will be getting together for on-site banquet gatherings, so we will probably make the rounds to give them a chance to say hello to us all. The theme of the 2020 State NFB convention is ”Fundamental rights.”
> registration. At last report there were 26 people registered for the convention. We are happy to report there is no registration fee this year, as was true of our national convention this past summer. It is important for all members to register for this year‘s convention for three reasons. First, only those registered will receive the zoom links for joining the convention. This is a necessary security measure to prevent the so-called zoom bombing problem. secondly, you will need to register to be eligible to vote on resolutions and elections. Additionally, you will need to be a member in good standing of your local chapter. If you have already paid your membership renewal dues to your chapter treasurer, this is already taken care of. If you have not yet done so, we advise you to take care of this as soon as possible. If you are thinking of being able to slide through on voice votes, that will not be possible this year. Voting will be tallied by an electronica show of hands on Zoom. We will advise you as to how to do this at the appropriate time.
> Thirdly, if you register you will be eligible to receive door prizes in the form of cash or a gift card. You can find our convention registration form in several places including our Facebook and Twitter pages, our state affiliate website at www.nfbKS.org, and the most recent addition of our state newsletter Tap Tracks. The form is very simple to complete and includes your full name, mailing address, City, state, ZIP Code, phone number, and your email address. The email address is vital in order for you to receive the zoom links for joining the convention. Your registration information must be sent to Ashley Neybert at crazy4chemistry at att.net.
> Resolutions. We invite and encourage you to present your resolutions or an idea for a resolution. Remember that each resolution must contain at least one whereas clause and at least one be it resolved clause. The whereas clause presents a problem and the bee at resolve clause presents a proposed solution to it. please try to get a draft of your resolution sent to me at least 48 hours prior to the start of our convention on Friday evening. You may send a resolution by email to Me at Rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net.
> I look forward to connecting with you all at state convention even if not in person. in the meantime, be well and make it a great week.
> Best regards,
> Rob Tabor | 1st vice president national Federation of the blind of Kansas
> (785) 865-9959
> Rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
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