[Jayhawk-Chapter] Taking a poll, immediate action requested

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Mon Oct 4 17:35:18 UTC 2021

Greetings and salutations Jayhawk Federation family,

Our regular monthly chapter meeting is coming up next Monday at 4:00 PM and I would like to know who among us is willing to come to an on-site meeting. If enough people are willing to come, I will book a location and will send out an announcement as to the details. If not, we will hold our usual meeting via teleconference. Please respond before the close of the day if possible. I would like to have a decision made by 3:00 PM tomorrow.

I also need to remind you that this month we will be holding our election of officers, which means that our dues of $12 will be due. I look forward to hearing from everyone very soon.

Best regards,
Rob Tabor | president Jayhawk chapter national Federation of the blind of Kansas
(785) 865-9959
Rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net

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