[Jayhawk-Chapter] Jayhawk chapter meeting, save the date

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Wed Aug 3 00:54:06 UTC 2022

Good evening Jayhawk Federation Family,

I hope you have enjoyed your summer and have been able to keep cool. But now our summer hiatus has ended and it’s time to get back to doing the work of the Federation.

Accordingly, we will meet this coming Monday, August 8 at a new location. we will convene at 4:00 PM at fuzzies taco shop, 1115 Massachusetts St. here in beautiful Lawrence. Amo among other things we will announce a restaurant GiveBack summer that will take place later on at Fuzzys. We think it is a good idea to show our gratitude in a tangible way by giving them some of our business before we have the fundraising event.

We will hybridize the meeting via our teleconferencing system which you may join through the following DialUp sequence.

• dial (916) 235-1420
• dial the conference participation code 879925 #
• dial the secondary code” BLIND“ (25463)

So market on your calendar, and bring yourselves and your hearty appetites and we look forward to seeing you on Monday afternoon at Fuzzys.

Best regards,

Rob Tabor | immediate past president Jayhawk chapter national Federation of the blind of Kansas
(785) 865-9959
Rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net

Always awakened, never woke

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