[Jayhawk-Chapter] Fuzzy's Taco Shop - Fuzzy's Taco Shop Lawrence, KS - Menu

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Wed Aug 24 15:44:17 UTC 2022

Good morning Jayhawk and Kansas Federation family,

We invite you to bring yourselves and your hearty appetites tomorrow for the Jayhawk Chapter restaurant giveback fundraiser at Fuzzy‘s taco shop at 1115 Massachusetts in beautiful downtown Lawrence. We are doing this not only to raise the much-needed funds to do the work of the Federation, but we are also doing this to increase the visibility of blind people in the community. A percentage of proceeds will be donated to the Jayhawk chapter for the benefit of our members and for the benefit of the Federation in general. However, you must mention the NFB when you place and pay for your order at the counter. you may do so other verbally or by showing our brochure which I sent out last week either in hardcopy or electronically. Please let me know if you need the brochure to be sent to you again.

Meanwhile, you may click on the link below my clothes and signature block to access the online menu. This is a great opportunity to get deliciously well fed and help yourself and your fellow blind Federationists at the same time. I hope to see you there tomorrow.

Best regards,
Rob Tabor | president emeritus Jayhawk chapter National Federation of the Blind of Kansas
(785) 865-9959
Rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net


Always awakened, never woke

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