[Jayhawk-Chapter] Notice of March chapter meeting and February meeting minutes
Rob Tabor
rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Wed Mar 9 01:03:55 UTC 2022
Greetings Jayhawk Federation family,
For the first time in almost a year, we are finally coming out of the bunker to have a real face-to-face meeting, although it will be hybridized so that our friends and colleagues from other parts of the state affiliates can join us. We will meet as usual at 4:00 PM on Monday, March 14, 2022 at Perkins restaurant, 1711 W. 23rd St., here in beautiful Lawrence. To join the call remotely, pick up your phone and do as follows
• dial (916) 235-1420
• dial the conference participation code 879925#
• finally enter the special passcode spelling “blind” (Two5463) #
Last but not least, the draft minutes from our February meeting appear below my signature block. Meanwhile, be warm, cross your fingers and hope that spring will come soon, and I look forward to seeing you either in person or virtually this coming Monday at 4:00 PM.
Best regards,
Rob Tabor | immediate past president Jayhawk chapter national Federation of the blind of Kansas
(785) 865-9959
Rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
National Federation of the blind of Kansas
Meeting minutes for February 14, 2022
Members present: Renee Morgan, Cheryl Miller, Brendy Latare, rob Tabor
Guests, Tom Anderson, Lenita Richardson
call to order, welcome, and introductions
The president called the meeting to order at 4:15 PM. Introductions were announced by all in attendance.
• presidential release. Rob presented the transcript of presidential release number 513.
State affiliate report. Washington Seminar 2022. Rob stated that an average of 10 members from various Kansas chapters participated in the virtual meetings with the Kansas congressional delegation. We were able to meet with at least with legislative staffers from all six Kansas congressional offices, with representative David’s and Senator Marshall joining us for parts of their respective meetings. A brief summary of the four legislative issues/bills was given.
State legislative advocacy. The Blind Parents Rights bill (SB 276) was heard on Tuesday, February 1, by the Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee. A total of 20 oral and written testimonies were submitted, including three conferees who are not part of the Federation, with no one testifying against the bill. The committee Committee passed the bill unanimously on February 11 with an added amendment which changes the effective date of the bill from the date of publication in the statute books to the date of publication in the Kansas register, effectively moving the effective date up on the calendar by approximately 2 to 4 months. Rob urged chapter members to write to Senator Francisco to urge her support for the bill.
• chapter report. Renee reported that she had recently undergone surgery and was recovering well and gradually returning to work. She then announced the appointment of Lenita Richardson as interim chapter secretary. We welcome Lenita to the chapter and thank her for excepting the appointment.
• January 2022 minutes. The president call for revisions and corrections to the minutes. They’re being none, the Minnesota approved as sent via email.• Financial report. Brendy reported a balance of $863.82 as of January 31, 2022. The chapter currently has 10 members with the addition of Lenita who is dues are paid for by the chapter by consensus decision. There being no corrections, the president approved the treasurers report as read.
• fundraising. Rob announced he has plans to propose an online talent show contest to be conducted by the state organization with proceeds to be divided equally among the four active chapters in the state affiliate. This proposal is expected to be announced at the state board meeting on March 13.
• other old business. The president invited discussion of potential membership building strategies. It was suggested that the KU student body could be a potentially promising field for new member recruitment.
Rob stated he has not yet activated himself as list moderator for the Jayhawk Chapter listserv due to heavy involvement in our legislative endeavors. However, this project is still on his to do list.
adjournment. Having no ffurther business, The president declared the meeting adjourned at 5:11 PM.
Respectfully submitted
Rob Tabor president emeritus/acting secretary
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