[Jayhawk-Chapter] Kansas legislative update on SB 276

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Thu Mar 31 00:11:15 UTC 2022

Greetings Federation colleagues and cohorts,

After two days of pro forma sessions, the house finally went into general orders. However, the only bills acted upon pertains to sports related gambling and reapportionment of the 10 districts for the state Board of Education. The house is set to reconvene tomorrow morning at 10:00 AM.

Tomorrow is the last full day of the 2022 legislative session before first adjournment on Friday. Now it’s do or die for our blind parents rights bill. Whatever happens or does not happen, I am proud of all of you for pitching in and doing your part to advocate for this very important piece of legislation. A big thanks goes to everyone who provide a testimony for both the house and senate committees. If we cannot get the bill passed in this session, we will have to start a fresh next year because there will be a new legislature which will take office on January 9, 2023. Rest assured I will keep you posted as I have been doing.

Best regards,
Rob Tabor | first vice president/legislative Director national Federation of the blind of Kansas
(785) 865-9959
Rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net

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