[Jayhawk-Chapter] Update and request for action on senate bill 284

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Tue Mar 21 02:49:44 UTC 2023

Good evening, Kansas Federation advocates,

Earlier today, I informed you that there will be no hearing on the bill tomorrow due to a misunderstanding regarding the Senate committee‘s hearing schedule. Subsequently, through some back channel negotiations, Senator Olson has agreed to have Tom Page come on for a demonstration of Newsline, at the conclusion of a hearing on senate bill, 278, which pertains to proposed new reporting requirements regarding your distillery, assistance programs, delinquency‘s, and utility shut offs. I will include a link so that you can listen to the hearing on the bill if you wish.

Although there is no formal hearing on the bill, we think it would be a good idea for us all to urged the members of the committee to act favorably and quickly on the bill. Those of you who submit a testimony on the bill, may use your testimony in your message to the individual senators on the committee. Since this is not a formal testimony, you may. Choose to attach either the word document, or the PDF document, or simply write your message in the body of the email. As with committee testimony, the important thing is to tell your personal story of how you use Newsline and how it benefits you.

The committee roster will appear below my closing and signature block. Thank you for all you are doing to help to keep this important measure moving, as we are nearing the end of the main part of the legislative session.

Best regards,
Robert Tabor, | first vice president/legislative Director national Federation of the blind of Kansas
(785) 865-9959
Rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Roster of the senate committee on utilities

Chairman, Robert Olson,    rob.olson at senate.ks.gov
Vice chairman, Mike Petersen,    mike.petersen at senate.ks.gov
Ranking minority, Marcy Francisco,    marci.francisco at senate.ks.gov
Sen. Elaine Bowers   elaine.bowers at senate.ks.gov
Sen. JR Claeys   jrclaeys at senate.ks.gov
Sen. Ethan Corson,   ethan.corson at senate.ks.gov
Sen. Michael Fagg   michael.fagg at senate.ks.gov
Sen. Rick Kloos.  rick.kloos at senate.gov
Sen. Jeff Pittman.  jeff.pittman at senate.ks.gov
Sen. Mike Thompson    mike.thompson at senate.ks.gov
Sen. Kellie Warren   kellie.warren at senate.ks.gov

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