[Jayhawk-Chapter] Still time to help defeat Senate substitute for HB 2016
Rob Tabor
rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Tue Mar 28 01:33:43 UTC 2023
Greetings fellow Kansas Federation advocates,
The Kansas City net had a very long session today, but has not yet acted on the above referenced bill, which, if enacted would severely limit the rights of blind, another disabled kansans out of the Americans with disabilities act (ADA.) among other things, this outrageous bill would impose payments for court costs and opposing attorneys fees for filing and prosecuting an action to enforce civil rights under the ADA, even when the defending party in the lawsuit is found by a jury or by the court to be in violation of the ADA.
If you have already contacted your senator and urged him or her to vote no on this bill, thank you. If you have not already done so, I hope you will have the chance to do so before the Senate begins it’s chamber proceedings tomorrow morning at 10 AM. You might mention that the ADA is a comprehensive civil rights piece of legislation that was passed by Congress, and that the state of Kansas should not interfere with it. If you have a specific instance of being discriminated against on the basis of blindness, I would encourage you to relate your story as succinctly as possible.
The name and contact information of your state senator can be found at https://openstates.org. Simply enter your address, city, and state, and you will find the names and contact information of all the state and federal legislators in your district and the state. Thank you for all you do and helping to make life better for the blind in Kansas.
Best regards,
Rob Tabor, | first vice president/legislative Director national Federation of the blind of Kansas
(785), 865-9959
Rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
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