[Jayhawk-Chapter] Still time to submit a resollutions for cnvention

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Wed Oct 25 19:10:09 UTC 2023

Good afternoon Kansas Federation, family and friends,

Convention is coming just around the corner, but you still have time to submit resolutions or ideas for resolutions. Here are the following things you will need to remember:

• you need at least one whereas clause which states the essence of the problem, and one be at resolve clause, which proposes the solution to that problem;
• the subject of your resolution, should pertain to a policy, which adversely affects the interest or quality of life for the blind. For example, legislation, regulations issued by administrative state, agencies, or local governments, academic policies, and practices, and inaccessible websites, software, or mobile apps, are often candidates for resolutions ;
• last, but not least, you will need to present to the committee why you want the resolution to be favorably voted on by the convention. If you still want to write a resolution and are unable to attend the convention, we advise you to have someone lined up to present it on your behalf.

If you have a rough idea of what you want your resolution to say, but have difficulty finding the right words, or putting it into technically correct form, please contact me by phone or by email, and I will be happy to help you formulate a draft. Meanwhile, make it a great week, happy resolving, and will see you at convention.

Best regards, Rob Tabor | first vice president  /resolutions chairman National Federation of the Blind of Kansas
(785) 865-9959
rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net

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