[Jayhawk-Chapter] Kansas Newsline® update

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Mon Jun 3 18:28:30 UTC 2024

Good afternoon colleagues and cohorts,

I'm delighted to inform you that
the state legislature has made a generous appropriation for Kansas Newsline. According to Talking Books director Michael Lange, the omnibus approrapriation is estimated at $91,000, which will enable him to hire a fulltime Newsline librarian. There are budgetary and HR details in the works, so we don't yet know when the new Newsline librarian will be on board. I hope it will be in time for our state convenr in November so oue can hopefully meet him or her.

As always, I will announce new developments as they happen.

Best regards,

Rob Tabor | first vice president/legislative director National Federation of the Blind of Kansas
Ph: (785) 865-9959
rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net

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