[Jayhawk-Chapter] House Commerce committee hearing on senate bill 333

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Mon Mar 4 02:52:47 UTC 2024

Good evening fellow Kansas Federationists,

The hearing on the bill pertaining to the state you law committee will be heard on Tuesday at 1:30 PM before the house committee on commerce, labor, and economic development. As you recall from my recent update posting, this is the bill which, in its original form, Wood, keep the state law committee as a permanent functioning entity. However, the Senate commerce committee amended the bill to reinstate the five-year sunset clause, which was adopted by the full senate.

I have submitted my testimony, expressing a preference for the bill in its original form, but supporting the bill as long as the state law committee is preserved for at least five years. I suspect that both the committee, and the full house will take the path of least resistance, and go with what the Senate has done.

In case you would like to catch the live hearing, I am providing the link to the meeting below my closing and signature block.

Best regards,
Rob Tabor, | first vice president/legislative Director national Federation of the line of Kansas
(785) 865-9959
 Rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net


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