[Jayhawk-Chapter] Jayhawk chapter updates

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Sat Oct 26 14:42:05 UTC 2024

Good morning Jayhawkers,

Last night’s trivia night fundraiser at Murf’s Pub was a success despite the small crowd. We raised $130 and a good time was had by everyone. Our asking participation fee of $10 per person would suggest that there were 13 participants, but there were not quite that many. There were two or three people who did not participate but chose to make a donation for which we are grateful.

Thanks to Susan Tabor, our December holiday social has been reserved. We will gather on Saturday, December 7 at 2:00 PM at Acapulco Mexican Grill, 1520 Wakarusa Drive here in beautiful Lawrence. We will meet in a private dining room, which has a seating capacity of about 40. In preparation of our festive holiday social gathering, I would like some feedback as to whether you would like to have a white elephant gift exchange or not. Here’s hell the white elephant gift exchange has worked in the past. Each participant brings an inexpensive gift and puts them in a big pile. Each participant draws a number from the hat, so that the person who draws number one can pick from any gift in the pile. Everyone after the first drawing may either choose a gift from what remains in the pile or take a gift from someone who has already made their draw. This kind of a gift exchange can be a lot of fun and it’s also an effective method of re-gifting or simply getting rid of unwanted items. If you go to the store to buy a gift contribution, we should probably have a $10 or $15 limit which avoids the possibility of people feeling either guilty or slighted. That said, we invite you to share your thoughts about the gift exchange simply by replying to this posting.

Finally, remember to cast your vote on our previous motion to donate $100 for a state convention door prize. Understand that there is no pressure to vote either way. However, if you have noticed the conversation thread, there are five yes votes, which means that we only need one more yes vote to form a majority decision.

Meanwhile, enjoy this weekend and rock chalk  Jayhawk!

Best regards,
Rob Tabor | secretary, Jayhawk chapter national Federation of the blind of Kansas
Ph: (785) 865-9959
Rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net

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