<html><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><div><br><br>Chikako<div>Sent from my iPhone</div></div><div><br>Begin forwarded message:<br><br></div><blockquote type="cite"><div><b>From:</b> "Rob Tabor" <<a href="mailto:rob.tabor@sbcglobal.net">rob.tabor@sbcglobal.net</a>><br><b>Date:</b> October 17, 2011 11:29:02 PM CDT<br><b>To:</b> <<a href="mailto:home-on-the-range@nfbnet.org">home-on-the-range@nfbnet.org</a>><br><b>Subject:</b> <b>[Home-on-the-range] Still Calling For Resolutions</b><br><b>Reply-To:</b> NFB of Kansas Internet Mailing List <<a href="mailto:home-on-the-range@nfbnet.org">home-on-the-range@nfbnet.org</a>><br><br></div></blockquote><div></div><blockquote type="cite"><div><div class="WordSection1"><p class="MsoNormal">Hello Kansas Federationists,<o:p></o:p></p><p class="MsoNormal"><o:p> </o:p></p><p class="MsoNormal">You still have time to draft a resolution to present to the Resolutions committee for markup and consideration at the committee work session on Friday evening. In general, resolutions are not difficult to write as they follow a pattern consisting of at least one Whereas clause and one Be It Resolved clause. The Whereas claus(es explain or justify a need for a change in public policy or practice, and the Be It Resolved portion is the call to action; i.e., what do we want the public official or organization, be it public or private, to do to advance the cause of improving the situation for the blind in the area(s) addressed by the resolution. Please don’t be intimidated by the seemingly daunting task of writing technical language. On the contrary, the plainer we can make the language, the better and more readable the text of the resolution is. If you aren’t completely satisfied with the draft you produced, don’t worry if your draft isn’t perfect. That is what the committee is for. <o:p></o:p></p><p class="MsoNormal"><o:p> </o:p></p><p class="MsoNormal">You may submit your draft or resolution idea to me at <a href="mailto:rob.tabor@sbcglobal.net"><a href="mailto:rob.tabor@sbcglobal.net">rob.tabor@sbcglobal.net</a></a>. Dianne Hemphill has announced she is collecting resolutions drafts, so you may present your resolution draft or idea to her as well. If you have trouble developing a formal draft but have a fairly solid idea of what you want us to resolve, I invite you simply to present the general idea and I will work on the language during the week. In either case, please provide your telephone number or skype name in case I need to ask any clarifying questions during the drafting process. <o:p></o:p></p><p class="MsoNormal"><o:p> </o:p></p><p class="MsoNormal">The more prepared we are with well developed drafts, the smoother and more efficient the committee markup session will go. We have always come up with a good resolution docket and with your help the 2011 state affiliate convention in Wichita will prove to be no exception.<o:p></o:p></p><p class="MsoNormal"><o:p> </o:p></p><p class="MsoNormal">Happy resolving<o:p></o:p></p><p class="MsoNormal">Rob Tabor Resolutions Committee Chairman<o:p></o:p></p><p class="MsoNormal">Skhypename spice_cadet<o:p></o:p></p></div></div></blockquote><blockquote type="cite"><div><span>_______________________________________________</span><br><span>Home-on-the-range mailing list</span><br><span><a href="mailto:Home-on-the-range@nfbnet.org">Home-on-the-range@nfbnet.org</a></span><br><span><a href="http://nfbnet.org/mailman/listinfo/home-on-the-range_nfbnet.org">http://nfbnet.org/mailman/listinfo/home-on-the-range_nfbnet.org</a></span><br><span>To unsubscribe, change your list options or get your account info for Home-on-the-range:</span><br><span><a href="http://nfbnet.org/mailman/options/home-on-the-range_nfbnet.org/extremepositiveness%40yahoo.com">http://nfbnet.org/mailman/options/home-on-the-range_nfbnet.org/extremepositiveness%40yahoo.com</a></span></div></blockquote></body></html>