<html><head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"></head><body dir="auto"><div dir="ltr"><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><div>Greetings federation Jayhawkers,</div><div><br></div><div>I hope you can budget plenty of time next week for the historic online 2020 NFB convention Which begins this coming Tuesday and runs through Saturday. Generally, the first 2 1/2 days will be devoted to divisional and committee meetings and seminars, and the second half will be devoted to general session and the “banquet.” The fall of 2020 convention agenda can be found at the following URL</div><div><a href="https://www.nfb.org/get-involved/national-convention#agenda">https://www.nfb.org/get-involved/national-convention#agenda</a></div><div><br></div><div>As you study the agenda to determine which meetings and activities you wish to attend, remember that all times are posted in eastern daylight time. Therefore, you will need to mark your calendar‘s for one hour prior in order to join the activity or meeting on time.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>Resolutions and voting. If you’re registered for the 2020 convention by or before June 15, you are eligible to vote on resolutions, the election of officers and board members, and other business matters. However, you will need to take an additional step by in rolling as a voting member so that your vote will be counted. The voter enrollment website is</div><div><a href="https://www.nfbvote.org/">https://www.nfbvote.org/</a></div><div><br></div><div>The voting enrollment website consists of a simple form with only three items to fill in. These are your first name as your registered it for the convention, your last name, and the phone number you intend to use in casting your vote. You can use any phone, be at mobile or landline. It does not necessarily have to be the phone number you used when you completed your registration form for the convention. When you have completed your form, click or double tap the submit button, and you will find the telephone number to use in casting your vote, which you may do either by call or by texting. For your added convenience I will mention that the number to cast your vote is (667) 206-6677. If you are casting your vote via mobile phone I suggest you may want to enter the number into your contact folder. The purpose for adding this enrollment step is to ensure that only registered members in good standing will be able to cast a vote, thereby keeping registered nonmembers from influencing our democratic decision making process.</div><div><br></div><div>Regarding resolutions, I strongly encourage you to join the resolutions committee meeting scheduled for Wednesday, July 15, at 1 PM local time. Resolutions will be posted on the NFB national website in about three hours after the committee has concluded its meeting. I further encourage you to study these resolutions in order to be fully prepared to participate actively in our state affiliate caucus.</div><div><br></div><div>Kansas delegation caucus. We have 54 Kansas Federation members who have registered for this year‘s national convention. A block of time has been set aside for all 52 affiliates to conduct caucuses for the respective delegations. The Kansas convention delegation will caucus on Friday morning, July 17, at 10 AM local time. We will discuss the resolutions and will poll the Kansas delegation On each resolution except for unanimous consent is obvious. Whether we will caucus by our teleconferencing system or via Zoom has yet to be determined. Announcements concerning the details of the state affiliate caucus will be timely made once the Congress platform has been established.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>Door prizes. Door prizes are a long-standing tradition at NFB national convention time, and this year‘s 2020 online convention is no exception. hair, then, is how it will work. When you hear your name called as the declared winner of a door prize you may respond in one of two ways. You may give the electronica hand signal, which is readily available in the Zoom platform, Or you may claim your prize by sending an email to prize @NFB.org. because it is necessary to send prizes to the lucky winners, it is likely that most if not all door prizes will come in the form of a gift card.</div><div><br></div><div>Zoom login options. Generally, the URL to log into a zoom meeting on your windows or Mac PC is</div><div>HTTPS://zoom.US/J/X, where X represents the zoom meeting ID number, Which will consists of 9 to 11 digits. And alternative approach is to use a virtual events platform called CrowdCompass, Which is available via the web or a smart phone app you can find both in the Apple App Store and on Google play. The web based version can be found at</div><div>Event Dot crowd compass.com/NFB20</div><div>If you use the mobile app you will need to enter NFB2020 in the event field And also to enter it in the password field.A verification code will be sen A verification code will be sent to you via email, and you will then enter it in order to enable you to come into the event. CrowdCompass enables you to customize your meeting and event schedule, join meetings instantaneously, and interact with other participants in the same event or meeting. If you use the mobile app you will also need to have the Zoom app installed on your smartphone.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>There are many events going on at the same time, especially in the earliest portion of the convention. Therefore you will need to choose meetings and activities that most interest you. As a general guideline, however, state affiliate leader ship encourages you to join the following meetings. These are the national board meeting at which the 2021 national convention time and location will be announced, the resolutions committee meeting, all general sessions, and, last but not least, the virtual banquet at which Mark Riccobono, our national president, will give the banquet address. Please budget as much time as you can for our historic online 2020 NFB national convention.</div><div><br></div><div>Best regards,</div><div>Rob Tabor | first vice president National Federation of the blind of Kansas</div><div>President Jayhawk chapter NFBK</div><div>( 785) 865-9959</div><div>Rob .tabor@sbcglobal.net</div></div></body></html>