[Job-Discussions] Job listservs and other resources.

Dick Davis ddavis at blindinc.org
Fri Sep 25 15:55:02 UTC 2020

Hi Everyone,

I thought the attached, and below, would be of interest to you.

Best wishes,

Dick Davis, Chair
NFB Employment Committee

*NFB Employment Listservs and Related Resources 9/25/2020*

*The following two listservs are run by the Employment Committee of the
National Federation of the Blind:*



This list is for blind persons seeking employment. Employers are invited to
register for the list in order to post their jobs directly. Job placement
professionals are welcome too. It contains job postings sent to us by
employers who are interested in hiring blind people.



This list is for networking among blind people looking for employment.
Sighted people who work with blind people are welcome too

*The following are run by the National Federation of the Blind and its

Rehabilitation Counselor Mailing List:


This list is for blind and sighted persons working with or interested in
working with blind people. It is run by the National Association of Blind
Rehabilitation Professionals.

NFB Newsline Online Application:


NFB Newsline carries thousands of job announcements from employers
throughout the country.

*There is no charge for any of the above. A person does not have to be a
member of the National Federation of the Blind to use them, but we welcome
interested people, both blind and sighted, to become members.  If you want
to join, follow this link: **https://www.nfb.org/get-involved/join-us*
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