[Job-Discussions] Needing advice on searching for a new job
mistydbradley at gmail.com
mistydbradley at gmail.com
Tue Mar 2 20:40:17 UTC 2021
Hi Dick,
Thank you for this great job advice. I emailed you off list also.
Thank you,
Misty Bradley
MistyDBradley at gmail.com
Sent from my iPhone
> On Mar 2, 2021, at 3:02 PM, Dick Davis via Job-Discussions <job-discussions at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Hi Misty,
> I can offer you general advice, but for more specific advice, I would need
> to ask you some questions. My email is dickblind at gmail.com if you want to
> contact me.
> 1. Look through your college transcript. Are any of the courses you took
> valuable in a real world sense? Did any of the skills you learned, such
> as research, report writing, etc. match some of the responsibilities on
> the job description?
> 2. You cannot assume you won't be able to do a job. Always call or visit
> and ask. Find out what the responsibilities are in some detail and be
> prepared to explain how you could do them.
> 3. Generic experience requirements are not job killers. Today, employers
> are having to struggle to find qualified people. Experience may not
> matter as much if they are having trouble finding good people.
> 4. What alternative techniques or technology do you have and are able to
> use? That could be a selling point.
> 5. The fact that you worked at something is good. Do not downgrade your
> skills or experience. Use it to wow the employer. Remember that some
> employers will be amazed that you can tie your shoes.
> That's a start. Contact me for more detailed advice.
> Dick Davis
> dickblind at gmail.com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Job-Discussions <job-discussions-bounces at nfbnet.org> On Behalf Of
> Chris Nestrud via Job-Discussions
> Sent: Saturday, February 27, 2021 11:27 PM
> To: Job Discussions internet Mailing List <job-discussions at nfbnet.org>
> Cc: Chris Nestrud <ccn at chrisnestrud.com>
> Subject: Re: [Job-Discussions] Needing advice on searching for a new job
> Maybe lower level administrative assistant type positions with
> local/county/state government.
> Chris
>> On Sat, Feb 27, 2021 at 12:39:54PM -0500, Misty Dawn Bradley via
>> Job-Discussions wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I am currently searching for a new job and I am looking for advice. As
> for my current job, some circumstances have come up to where I need to
> quit as soon as I can Due to factors in the environment that are causing
> health issues for me. I currently work in a production facility that gives
> jobs to the blind and visually impaired making things for the military. I
> would like to get out of that line of work and get a job in a more main
> stream field. As far as my education, I have an associates degree in
> general studies. as far as my work experience, I served part time in
> AmeriCorps State and National for a nine month program as an ESL tutor and
> did a work study at my local community college in the field of
> accessibility for e-learning. I have had two positions at two different
> production plants mainly hiring the blind and visually impaired as a
> sewing machine operator.
>> I am taking this next week off to apply for jobs, but I am having
> difficulty knowing where even to start, as a lot of jobs I have looked at
> require vision. A lot of the retail jobs require you to check out people
> at registers or use proprietary systems that are not accessible. Some of
> the job descriptions even stated that you need a good visual acuity to do
> that particular job. The ones that don???t require vision tend to require
> more experience than what I have. Even most of the customer service jobs I
> have looked at require at least six months to a year of customer service
> experience even for entry level jobs. I thought about Office jobs, such as
> being a secretary or something like that, but I wonder how I would handle
> paperwork. I know some of it you can scan, but there are some forms that
> you would have to fill out by hand so I wonder how that would work as a
> blind or visually impaired person that has trouble filling out forms
> myself. I am interested in a work at home position if possible, but I
> would take an on site position as well.
>> Does anyone on this list have any ideas of any jobs that are accessible
> yet don???t require more than an associates degree and don???t require a
> lot of experience? if you have gotten a job under similar education and
> experience, what kinds of jobs have you had? Are there any tips or advice
> you would give to someone looking for a new job?
>> Thank you,
>> Misty Bradley
>> MistyDBradley at gmail.com
>> https://www.JourneyingThroughHealing.com
>> Sent from my iPhone
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