[Job-Discussions] IRS?

May Anderson maymanderson at gmail.com
Tue Jun 6 02:23:28 UTC 2023

Yes, I'm aware of the USAjobs.gov <http://usajobs.gov/> site and boy what a headache that site is. I set up my profile there the other night and at least I hope I have it all correct.

I figured I'd ask here for information as well, networking and all that helps lots, smiles.

May Anderson
Maymanderson at gmail.com

> On Jun 5, 2023, at 10:13 PM, dickblind at gmail.com wrote:
> The IRS is part of the federal system. Information on applying is in USA.gov. You will need to complete a detailed federal resume. I don’t recall if they use Schedule A appointments. They sometimes come to our career fairs, like the one we have at our national convention. They are hiring lots of people right now. 
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Jun 5, 2023, at 7:56 PM, May Anderson via Job-Discussions <job-discussions at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>> Good day everyone.
>> I was curious if anyone here has tried applying for the IRS? If so, what is the process like? What are your thoughts?
>> Same thing if there are actually any on the list that work for the IRS. I'm considering a job change and looking at the IRS. Right now I'm just in the researching stage so any thoughts are appreciated at this time.
>> Thank you.
>> May Anderson
>> Maymanderson at gmail.com
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