[Job-Discussions] Fwd: [Employment-Committee] Fwd: Technology Training on Digital Contact Business Cards and Networking Strategies Sponsored by the NFB Muslims Group

Richard Davis dickblind at gmail.com
Thu May 25 19:50:12 UTC 2023

Hello List Members,
This might be worthwhile information for you to know if you are coming to
the career fair or looking for a job.
Dick Davis

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: David Andrews via Employment-Committee <
employment-committee at nfbnet.org>
Date: Thu, May 25, 2023 at 7:31 AM
Subject: [Employment-Committee] Fwd: Technology Training on Digital Contact
Business Cards and Networking Strategies Sponsored by the NFB Muslims Group
To: <nfbnet-members-list at nfbnet.org>
Cc: David Andrews <dandrews920 at comcast.net>

>Subject: Technology Training on Digital Contact Business Cards and
>Networking Strategies Sponsored by the NFB Muslims Group
>Are you planning to attend the employment job fair during
>convention? Or perhaps you prefer to socialize to connect with new
>friends and colleagues. Are you the type to find or create
>opportunities for networking? Are you familiar with digital contact cards?
>NFB Muslims group is here to help make exchanging phone numbers,
>emails, business information, social media, and or website a lot easier.
>Stand out from the crowd with resourcefulness and efficiency and
>join us to learn how to create and share your digital business card.
>The NFB Muslims Group is hosting a technology training workshop  on
>June 10 at 1 PM Eastern via Zoom. The zoom information is below the
>signature line.
>The technology training will cover Digital applications of contact
>business cards as well as tips and strategies for networking
>at  conferences, conventions, employment fairs, and other social
>events. The training will cover basic applications via smart phones
>as well as advanced applications. Follow up resources Will also be
>The technology training is Open to all who are interested to network
>for social or  employment purposes, and   Who is also looking for a
>more efficient and resourceful means of communication during the NFB
>convention in July and beyond.
>For questions, email the NFB Muslims Group Chair, Tasnim Alshuli, at
>nfbmuslims at gmail.com.
>with Peace,
>Tasnim Alshuli, Chair of the NFB Muslims Group
>Email: nfbmuslims at gmail.com
>Tasnim Alshuli is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.Topic:
>Technology training on Digital contacts and networking strategies
>sponsored by NFB Muslims Group
>Time: Jun 10, 2023 10:00 AM Arizona
>Join Zoom Meeting
>Password: 632644
>One tap mobile
>+16027530140,,89574709382# US (Phoenix)
>+13462487799,,89574709382# US (Houston)
>Dial by your location
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>        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
>        +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
>        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
>Meeting ID: 895 7470 9382
>Find your local number: https://arizona.zoom.us/u/kcdTphlFry
>Join by SIP
>89574709382 at zoomcrc.com
>Join by H.323
> (US West)
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> (India Mumbai)
> (India Hyderabad)
> (Amsterdam Netherlands)
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> (Australia Sydney)
> (Australia Melbourne)
> (Singapore)
> (Brazil)
> (Mexico)
> (Canada Toronto)
> (Canada Vancouver)
> (Japan Tokyo)
> (Japan Osaka)
>Meeting ID: 895 7470 9382
>Password: 632644
>Join by Skype for Business

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