[Job-Discussions] Fwd: Residential Life Manager at Blind Industries and Services of Maryland...

Richard Davis dickblind at gmail.com
Thu Sep 28 00:05:34 UTC 2023

Hi Everyone,
Matt at BISM wants you to know of the following positions that are open and
will become open. Please apply.
Dick Davis

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Matt Yannuzzi <myannuzzi at bism.org>
Date: Tue, Sep 26, 2023 at 8:44 AM
Subject: Residential Life Manager at Blind Industries and Services of
To: Richard Davis <dickblind at gmail.com>

Good Morning Dick,

I hope this message receives you well.

We are still looking for a permanent Residential Life Manager here at
BISM.  Soon, we will also be expanding our operations in Western Maryland.
Therefore, we will be looking for a Rehabilitation Teacher too.  That job
has not opened yet.  Keep you posted.  Ha ha!

Would you please re-post the opening for our Residential Life Manager on
the list serve?  Attached is the job description.  Interested candidates
can contact me using the information below.

On the other hand, I believe that Jen Wetzel is now handling these
requests.  However, I do not have her contact information.  Would you
please send me her email address?

Thanks in advance for your assistance with this matter.

Highest Regards,


Matthew Yannuzzi

Director of Independence Training & Rehabilitation

Blind Industries and Services of Maryland

3345 Washington Blvd.

Baltimore, MD 21227

(Office) 410-737-2607  I  (Cell) 443-851-1944

Email: myannuzzi at bism.org

Websites: www.bism.org  I  www.ShopBISM.com

Social Networking Sites:  www.facebook.com/BISMpage  I
twitter.com/BISM_Blind  I  www.youtube.com/user/BlindIndustriesBISM

“Empowering the Blind through Jobs, Education and Training”

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