[Job-Discussions] Disability:IN launches career accelerator program

David Andrews dandrews920 at comcast.net
Thu May 2 01:15:49 UTC 2024

>Disability:IN launches new career accelerator 
>program for disabled professionals
>The organization is partnering with employers 
>including Blue Origin, Dell, and Pfizer to help 
>employees with disabilities advance their careers.
>May 1, 2024
>article cover
>Vertigo3d/Getty Images
>Disability:IN, an organization that advocates 
>for disability inclusion in business, has 
>announced the launch of a new career 
>accelerator, the organization told HR Brew.
>The Early Career Talent Accelerator is a 12-week 
>development program that aims to help disabled 
>professionals grow within their current 
>companies. The pilot cohort includes 25 
>employees from 23 participating employers, 
>including Blue Origin, Dell, Neiman Marcus 
>Group, and Pfizer. All employees were nominated 
>by their employers or supervisors.
>The accelerator is broken into three sections, 
>focused on developing oneself, skills, and others as a leader.
>“Getting employees in the door—that’s only 
>half the battle,” Jill Houghton, CEO of 
>Disability:IN, told HR Brew. “You want to 
>retain, develop, advance, and grow your talent. 
>And that should include your talent that’s disabled.”
>Just 5% of the 485 organizations on the 
>Equality Index (the organization’s annual list 
>of best employers for disabled workers) offer 
>employee retention and advancement programs 
>specifically geared toward disabled talent. 
>Employers participating in the accelerator 
>program told Disability:IN that they wanted to 
>provide their disabled employees with 
>development opportunities, but weren’t sure how.
>The accelerator curriculum was developed by 
>disabled professionals and based on corporate 
>advancement programs like the Executive 
>Leadership Council’s Mid-Level Managers’ Symposium for Black professionals.
>The program will finish in July, at 
>Disability:IN’s annual conference, where 
>participants can network and share what 
>they’ve learned. The organization will keep in 
>touch with participants after the program ends, according to Houghton.
>“We will continue post-program to do check-ins 
>with individuals at the 12 month, at the 24 
>month [mark], and follow these individuals on 
>their journey and continue to engage with them 
>and their companies,” she said.
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