[Job-Discussions] [Nfbnet-members-list] From the Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Library: New 8-Week Workshops Kick Off October 2 - Exploring JAWS and Voiceover Pro Tips

David Andrews via NFBNet-Members-List nfbnet-members-list at nfbnet.org
Mon Sep 30 04:37:07 UTC 2024

>From: 'Chancey Fleet' via Technology Programs at 
>Andrew Heiskell Braille & Talking Book Library <HeiskellTech at googlegroups.com>
>Exploring JAWS: an 8-week Workshop
>Wednesdays October 2 through October 20, 4:30 to 6:30 PM Eastern
>This workshop is for patrons who already know 
>how to type but would like to learn the basics 
>of the JAWS screen reader with Windows. We’ll 
>cover navigating the operating system, getting 
>help, working with documents, going online and more.
>This workshop will take place online.
>Voiceover for Mac Pro Tips
>Wednesdays October 2 through November 20, 2:00 - 4:00 PM Eastern.
>Ready to take your Mac with VoiceOver skills to the next level?
>Join us for the Mac ProTips Workshop. This 
>workshop series is for Intermediate to Advanced 
>Mac users who want to take their skills to the 
>next level.  Proficiency in VoiceOver is 
>required.  Participants must also be proficient 
>in file management using Finder, as well as the 
>Mac Mail app, Text Edit, and accessing the web using Safari.
>Topics will include mastering VoiceOver 
>Commanders, Activities, introduction to using 
>Shortcuts, and 
>Chancey S. Fleet
>Assistive Technology Coordinator
>Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Library
>(212) 621-0627
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