[Journalists] New Member request- Writers' Division to the Journalist

Robert Leslie Newman newmanrl at cox.net
Sat Dec 24 00:07:20 UTC 2011

Greetings you all from the NFB Writers' Division. I'm coming on board your
list with a specific goal in mind. "Slate & Style," the winter issue of our
quarterly  magazine will be coming out and we need a piece in there about
journalism. This could be a "how to do" article, or something along the
lines of a memoir/personal essay piece about being a blind journalist. So
hey, got something sitting on your hard drive looking for a publishing home?
Or are you feeling up to taking on a new deadline that is guaranteed to
bring on those tingling feelings that come about when you get into the
mind-mode that comes with the excitement of a new project? Get something to
us --- for an article it can be up to 1,500 words, and for a memoir/personal
essay it can be up to 3,000 words.


For further information write me at newmanrl at cox.net, or Editor Bridgit
Pollpeter at bpollpeter at hotmail.com


--Submission  requirements:


.           Include a title page along with your submission with author
name, title of piece and contact info-phone, email and address.


.           Please include a brief bio of yourself-no more than 150 words.
Do not send an entire history, just include key items you feel are important
for readers to know.


.           All email submissions must be attachments and sent to
bpollpeter at hotmail.com. Do not paste entries into the body of an email.


.           In the subject line, write:  Slate & Style submission, name,


.           Use Microsoft Word or create an RTF document for all


(January 15th is the deadline for our Winter issue.)


Thank you!



Robert Leslie Newman

President, Omaha Chapter NFB

President, NFB Writers' Division

Division Website


Chair, Newsletter Publication committee

Personal Website-




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