[Journalists] F.Y.I. New Podcast on Accessible Housing Angela Fox, Esq.

GL Norman glnorman15 at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 16 14:42:29 UTC 2021

>From G. Norman, J.D. L.L.M.
Join me in congratulating my great friend and former mentee at the Leadership Academy of the State Bar Association (Angela Fox, Esq.) in improving accessible and inclusive housing by people with disabilities.

I look forward to her many episodes that advances her quest for more inclusive housing. I may have appeared on an episode. She did an interview of me as an early test case.

We know that, within affordable and fair housing circles, disabled people are still sometimes left behind without housing that they are able to use. My friend, Angela, addresses this through an innovative on-line podcast platform.


Moreover, I look forward to interviewing her at our own new podcast that will be softly launched at the end of Sept. or in early Oct. Blind Sided: Adventures of Disabled Leaders

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