[Journalists] accessible Image verification tools

Áine Kelly-Costello ainekc at gmail.com
Thu Apr 28 18:47:40 UTC 2022

I mean, I think the best those of us who don't have any useable vision 
for images can do is get to the image metadata, there's a list of tools 
<https://www.canto.com/blog/photo-metadata-viewer/>for that here for 
instance. But realistically, it's not exactly a task it makes a lo sense 
to assign a blind journo too in the real world outside the education 
setting. Which is hard I know because increasingly we're all supposed to 
be able to do everything, unless it's a big well-funded newsroom, but 
there it is.


On 28/04/2022 7:49 pm, Cricket X. Bidleman via Journalists wrote:
> Hey folks,
> I'm in a lecture on image verification tools, which are increasingly
> important with the spread of deep-fakes and other false things. Are
> there any accessible tools, and how should blind journalists go about
> this process? Thanks.
> Best,
> cricket

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