[Journalists] Invitation to Join New WhatsApp Community

Itto Outini itto.outini at gmail.com
Tue Oct 18 22:10:39 UTC 2022

Hi All, 

I hope this email finds you well. I'm starting a WhatsApp group with other disability and accessibility advocates and inviting all of you to join. The goal is to form a global community to discuss accessibility issues, strategize about how best to overcome them, and collaborate and support one another in our common goal of making the world a more accessible place. 

In you're interested in joining the group, please email your WhatsApp number to 

itto.outini at gmail.com <mailto:itto.outini at gmail.com> 

and I will be happy to add you. Also, please share this call with your connections and across your socials for anyone else who might be interested. 

I look forward to hearing from you. Have a lovely week. 


Itto Outini

Fulbright Alumna | Journalist | Human Rights Activist | Accessibility Outreach Manager at Audioeye <https://www.audioeye.com/> | Founder and Representative of Fulbrighters with Disabilities | +1 (479) 502-3244 | Linkedin <https://www.linkedin.com/in/ittooutini> | Website <https://ittooutinicom.wordpress.com/> 

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