[KeyStoneChapter] Keystone Chapter Meeting Recap & Links
David Goldstein
david at iCantCU.com
Tue Aug 15 01:47:11 UTC 2023
Hey there Keystone Chapter Members and Friends,
It was a hot day for those of us who traveled to the Penn Museum for our monthly meeting on Saturday. If you couldn't make it, I hope you were able to be part of the meeting via Zoom. We listened to Presidential Release #529 <https://nfb.org/sites/nfb.org/files/2023-08/presidential_release_august_2023_chapter_version_0.mp3>. President Riccobono spoke about the National Convention in Houston July 1 through 6 and spoke about the momentum it has given the Federation.
After the meeting, eight of us walked over to Cira Green <https://www.ciragreen.com/> to have a look around the “Park in the Sky” for a future Keystone Chapter event. We enjoyed lunch 12 stories up in the park that overlooks the Schuylkill River and the Philadelphia skyline.
Dinner For A Week Fundraiser
Congratulations to Lynn Heitz for winning the $275 in restaurant gift cards! It was a very successful fundraiser for the chapter, raising just short of $1000! Thank you to everyone who donated gift cards for the fundraiser, and those who sold tickets for the chapter! And, of course, thanks to all who purchased tickets.
2024 Membership Dues
We found out earlier this year that the NFB of PA Constitution requires chapter membership dues to be paid by December 31st of the prior year. What does this mean? If you want to be a voting member of the Keystone Chapter, your 2024 dues must be received by December 31, 2023. Dues are $10. The chapter gets $5 and the NFB of PA gets $5 for your membership there. There are a few ways you can pay. You can give me cash or a check when you see me at a meeting. You can pay via PayPal by going to:
https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=VFEB76KHZ5ZPG <https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=VFEB76KHZ5ZPG> . You can mail a check to me and make it payable to Keystone Chapter NFB of PA. Mail it to:
David Goldstein
1425 Parklane Road
Swarthmore, PA 19081
Keystone Chapter T-shirts
Get your orders in for our new t-shirts! The shirts are red with our Keystone Chapter logo on the front in white and the phrase “Live the life you want!” in white on the back. The shirts are $20 for small to extra large and $25 for 2XL, 3XL, and 4XL. You can pay online at www.keystonechapter.com <http://www.keystonechapter.com/>, Just select your size from the dropdown menu. Navigate to the Buy Now button. This will take you to PayPal to checkout. You can either login to your PayPal account to pay or navigate to the next link, which is pay with debit or credit card. You can pay me in person at the September meeting, or, you can mail a check to me at the address listed above. Contact me if you have questions or need assistance.
Believe You Can! 2023
It is almost time for our fourth annual talent show! If you’d like to help plan the event, our next meeting is this Wednesday, August 16, 2023 at 7 PM via Zoom. Join the fun at https://zoom.us/j/98778470919?pwd=R05kQ24rM0JLcjRBdEp5cnpJTzVpdz09 <https://zoom.us/j/98778470919?pwd=R05kQ24rM0JLcjRBdEp5cnpJTzVpdz09>.
2023 State Convention
The NFB of PA State Convention is at the Crowne Plaza in Harrisburg from November 9 to 12! Register now for the lowest registration fee at https://nfbofpa.org/2023-state-convention-registration/ <https://nfbofpa.org/2023-state-convention-registration/>. Book your room at the hotel by calling (717) 234-5021. Let the hotel know that you are there for the NFB of PA convention so that you receive the $99 per night rate. If you plan to travel to Harrisburg via Amtrak, use code V819 when booking to receive the disability discount. Round trip from Philadelphia to Harrisburg should be about $36.
Please consider contributing to the Keystone Chapter. Go to SupportKeystoneChapter.org <http://supportkeystonechapter.org/> to donate. Every amount is appreciated, especially if you check the box that says Add $X.XX to help cover the fees. The section automatically fills in when you enter the amount you want to donate. For example, if you enter $2.00 to donate and check the box to pay the fees, your total amount would be $2.56. Go ahead and give it a try! Remember to share the link with your friends and family.
White Cane Coffee
Support the Keystone Chapter while supporting a small business owned by a blind woman. Use our affiliate link https://whitecanecoffee.com/ref/KeystoneChapter/ <https://whitecanecoffee.com/ref/KeystoneChapter/> when purchasing from the White Cane Coffee website. The Keystone Chapter earns a 10% commission, and there is no additional cost to you. They are currently offering free shipping with orders of $50 or more. Want to learn more? Listen to episode 072 of White Canes Connect titled "Brewing Success: White Cane Coffee's Inspiring Journey." <https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/whitecanesconnect/white_canes_connect_072_post.mp3>
White Canes Connect Podcast
We just dropped episode 080 <https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/whitecanesconnect/white_canes_connect_080_post.mp3>. Lisa and I speak with Sue Brasel, The Blind Angel Gardener. Sue has plenty of tips for growing plants in your garden or on your window sill. She tells us what plants are best for our gardens in this area. She also gives Lisa some ideas for her bonsai plant. You can listen to all episodes on Apple Podcasts <https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/white-canes-connect/id1592248709>, Spotify <https://open.spotify.com/show/1YDQSJqpoteGb1UMPwRSuI>, Amazon Music <https://www.amazon.com/White-Canes-Connect/dp/B08K5B6683/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=white+canes+connect&qid=1636149501&qsid=139-0343126-3565115&s=audible&sr=1-1&sres=B08K5B6683,B07P88N4RS,B008U2QT28,B00MFS7BT8&srpt=WALKING_STICK>, IHeartRadio <https://www.iheart.com/podcast/263-white-canes-connect-89603482/>, and Youtube <https://www.youtube.com/@pablindpodcast>. Subscribe and follow us so you never miss an episode! Contact us about the show at whitecanesconnect at gmail.com <mailto:whitecanesconnect at gmail.com>.
Our next meeting is September 9 at 10:15 AM. See you there!
David Goldstein
david at iCantCU.com
(610) 715-5020 mobile
www.iCantCU.com <https://www.icantcu.com/>
iCantCU Podcast
Apple Podcasts <https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/icantcu-podcast/id1445801370> | Spotify <https://open.spotify.com/show/3nck2D5HgD9ckSaUQaWwW2> | IHeartRadio <https://www.iheart.com/podcast/256-icantcu-podcast-31157111/>
Support The Podcast When You Shop
Amazon <https://www.icantcu.com/amazon>
Connect with me:
Twitter <https://twitter.com/davidbenj> | Instagram <https://www.instagram.com/davidbenj/> | LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidbenj> | Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/davidbenj>
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