[Lpobc] Referral Request

JEREMY PARKER theparkerfamily at bellsouth.net
Thu Jan 7 22:39:21 UTC 2016

Ms. Bostick

If possible, could you refer us (or have them contact us) to a low vision (legally blind) college student so that we may query the technology being utilized to navigate college? Our son, Patrick, has no vision in his left eye and is approximately 20/300 corrected in the right. He is a Braille reader, but a white board is used by his aide to help bridge his lack of Nemeth skills, certified Braille instruction once per week, and a school system (teachers) with little to no experience with blind students. Although Patrick is in the 8th grade, we are trying to hone his independent student blind skills now and through high school so that he may attend the college of his choice with the necessary skills to achieve his degree. Having guidance by a college student with similar vision would be indispensable to us as we choose the technology and advocate through Patrick's IEP process. In this way, we can help Patrick achieve the independence he needs to achieve.

Thank You
Jeremy & Tammy Parker
(337) 208-2112  

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