[MABM] November 2021 Minute Message from the Movement
president at nfbmd.org
president at nfbmd.org
Mon Nov 29 06:45:49 UTC 2021
November 2021 Minute Message
Fellow Federationists:
We have demonstrated that we will Focus Forward as Federationists at our
55th Annual Convention of the National Federation of the Blind of Maryland.
I am immensely grateful to each of you who played a role, from running a
workshop or seminar, to coordinating the Exhibit Hall and soliciting
sponsors, to providing door prizes and auction items, to running sound and
streaming, hosting Zoom sessions, and engaging social media, to staffing the
PAC Registration Tables, to managing door prizes and the auction, to
participating in Picnic and a Play and Crab Idol, and on and on and on. you
can see, it takes a myriad of people to put on a convention, especially one
as big and energetic as ours. Please visit our website,
<https://nfbmd.org> https://nfbmd.org in the coming weeks, to find the 2021
resolutions and some key highlights such as our reader panel, our Paralympic
presentation, and many other important moments youll want to revisit.
Please read below for information about important happenings around the
Feedback Needed on NFB Draft Code of Conduct
the National Federation of the Blind is seeking feedback on the most recent
iteration of the NFB Code of Conduct. The comment period will conclude at
noon eastern time on Thursday, December 2, 2021 with an anticipated go-live
date for the revised Code of Conduct on January 1, 2022. To review the
draft Code and for instructions on providing feedback, please visit:
<https://nfb.org/draftcode> https://nfb.org/draftcode.
Adult and children Participants Needed for National Braille Readers Are
Leaders Contest
The National Federation of the Blind is partnering with the American Action
Fund for Blind Children and Adults to present Braille Readers Are Leaders
2021-2022. The contest will run from December 1, 2021 through January 21,
2022. This year, the program has been refreshed based on participant
This year, registration and tracking will be handled through Beanstack,
which is a platform and mobile application many libraries and schools use.
In addition, readers will report number of minutes read rather than number
of pages. Of course, those who cannot use Beanstack can contact the
American Action Fund directly at 410-659-9315 or via email at
<mailto:BrailleReadingContest at actionfund.org>
BrailleReadingContest at actionfund.org
Braille readers in grades K-12 compete with others in their grade category
to read the most pages during the reading period from December 1 to January
21. An adult category allows adults who want to practice their Braille
skills to participate as well. Registration began on November 17, and it
will remain open until the final day of the reading period. Each
participant who registers and logs reading time will receive a t-shirt.
Additional prizes and badges will be awarded for meeting certain milestones.
The top individuals in each category will receive a cash prize. Beanstack
allows participants to view their progress and that of others in the same
reading group via a leader board.
You can find the link to the Beanstack registration form at
<http://actionfund.beanstack.org> http://actionfund.beanstack.org. Contest
rules, deadlines, and other information is available at
https://www.actionfund.org/programs/braille-readers-are-leaders. If you have
questions, email <mailto:BrailleReadingContest at acgtionfund.org>
BrailleReadingContest at acgtionfund.org or call 410-659-9315.
NFB and NFBMD Scholarship Programs
The National Federation of the Blind and the National Federation of the
Blind of Maryland each administer a separate scholarship program for
post-secondary students. The deadline to apply for an NFB scholarship is
March 31, 2022, and the deadline to apply for an NFBMD Scholarship is April
15, 2022.
National Scholarship Program: Each year, the NFB awards 30 merit-based
scholarships totaling at least $120,000.
* Scholarships range in amount from $3,000 to $12,000.
* Scholarships are awarded based on academic achievement, leadership,
and community service.
* The 30 scholarship finalists are announced in the spring and attend
the National Convention, where they are awarded a specific scholarship.
* Application materials must be submitted (online or postmarked) by
11:59PM on March 31, 2022.
* To be eligible, applicants must:
* Be legally blind in both eyes;
* Reside in the United States, the District of Columbia, or Puerto
* Be pursuing or planning to pursue a full-time, post-secondary course
of study in a degree program at a U.S. institution in the Fall of 2022 (one
scholarship may be awarded to an individual who works full-time and attends
school part-time); and
* Attend the entire National Convention of the National Federation of
the Blind (and all scholarship activities) in New Orleans, Louisiana from
July 5 through 10, 2022 (scholarship finalists will receive convention
* To apply:
* Submit an application using the online application system at
https://nfb.org/civicrm/scholarships/login; or
* Download, complete, and email or mail in a hard copy application
form by visiting: <https://nfb.org/scholarships>
State Scholarship Program: Each year, the NFB of Maryland awards the John T.
McCraw Scholarship to up to four students with a combined maximum total of
$10,000. Though the Scholarship Committee will determine the amount awarded
to each individual scholarship finalist, the minimum amount per scholarship
is $2,000 and the maximum amount is $3,500. NFBMD may award a scholarship
to a former McCraw scholarship recipient.
* Scholarships are merit-based and awarded based on academic
achievement, community involvement, and leadership.
* Application materials must be submitted (online or postmarked) by
11:59PM on April 15, 2022.
* To be eligible, applicants must:
* Be legally blind in both eyes;
* reside in Maryland or be pursuing post-secondary studies at a school
in Maryland;
* Be pursuing or planning to pursue a full-time or part-time,
post-secondary course of study in a degree program in the Fall of 2022 and
Spring of 2023 (priority will be given to full-time students); and
* Attend the entire National Convention of the National Federation of
the Blind in New Orleans, Louisiana from July 5 through 10, 2022 and the
annual convention of the National Federation of the Blind of Maryland in
Towson, Maryland from November 11 13, 2022 (scholarship finalists will
receive convention financial assistance).
* To apply:
* Submit an application using the online application system at
<http://nfbmd.org/scholarship/apply> http://nfbmd.org/scholarship/apply; or
* Download, complete, and email or mail in a hard copy application
form by visiting: <http://nfbmd.org/scholarship>
Seeking Web and Technology Assistance
The NFB of Maryland is seeking assistance with our web and technology
efforts. We are specifically looking for individuals in the following
* Managing and updating web content we use Drupal
* Managing, entering data, and pulling reports using our contact
database this is a civicrm database
* Hosting meetings and events via Zoom
* Providing technical guidance concerning assistive technology and
accessible applications (we sometimes need someone with this expertise in
our advocacy work to help us guide school districts, legislators, employers,
etc. as we work with members)
* Sound editing (this primarily involves recording, cleaning up,
adding sound effects, extracting certain parts, etc. of audio recordings)
If you have any of the above skills and are looking for a way to help the
NFB of Maryland, please contact Web and Technology Committee Chairperson
John Berggren at <mailto:jberggren at nfb.org> jberggren at nfb.org and me at
<mailto:President at nfbmd.org> President at nfbmd.org.
NFBMD Committees: Are You Interested?
We are beginning to decide 2022 committee appointments for the NFB of
Maryland. If you are interested in being appointed to a particular
committee, please send me an email with the name of the committee or
committees for which you are interested. I cant promise everyone will be
appointed to the committees they request, but it is very helpful to know
where people are interested in contributing most. Please send your interest
email to me at <mailto:President at nfbmd.org> President at nfbmd.org by December
9, 2021.
If there are committees that you think should be added, please also let me
Below is a list of the 2022 committees as they currently stand. The
individuals listed below have been asked to chair these committees, but this
may change when final appointments are sent out.
Advocacy Committee
Sharon Maneki, chairperson
*Seeking a co-chair
Advocates with employers, schools, Vocational Rehabilitation entities, and
other public or private agencies for blind residents of Maryland
Ambassadors Committee
Judy Rasmussen and Debbie Brown, co-chairpersons
responsible for orienting first-time attendees to state and national
Convention and mentoring first-timers at those events
Audit Committee
Barry Hond, chairperson
responsible for auditing financial accounts and spending for the affiliate
BELL Committee
Brittany Bomboy, chairperson
plans and administers the Maryland Bell program and incorporating Bell into
NFBMD conventions and seminars
Braille Spectator Committee
Ronza Othman and Sharon Maneki, editors
Responsible for sourcing and creating content, assembling, editing,
formatting, and disseminating the semi-annual magazine of the NFB of
Deaf-Blind and Hearing Loss Issues Committee
Janice Toothman, chairperson
*Seeking a co-Chairperson
works on issues of concern and interest to the deaf-blind of Maryland
Development and Fundraising Committee
Jenivieve White, chairperson
*Seeking a co-chairperson
coordinates long-term and short-term fundraising initiatives including:
preparing and submitting grant proposals; sending out annual appeal letters;
working with estate attorneys; administering Spring and Fall raffles;
marketing Amazon smile; planning Basket Bingo, Crab Feast, and other
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee
Qualik Ford and Bill Borner, co-chairpersons
Provides leadership and guidance to the affiliate and chapters and divisions
on matters related to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Employment Committee
Pam Goodman and Jannis Forbes, co-chairpersons
Provides guidance and support related to strategies for increasing the
employment of Marylands blind.
Guide Dog Issues Committee
Sherri Shirek and Janice Toothman, co-chairpersons
works on issues of concern and interest to guide dog users in Maryland
Legislation Committee
Sharon Maneki and Garrett Mooney, co-chairpersons
responsible for State and Federal legislative action and educating elected
officials on issues of importance to the blind of Maryland
Membership Committee
Dezman Jackson, chairperson
responsible for helping chapters and divisions with recruitment, retention,
and development of members
PAC Plan Committee
John Paré and Stephanie Flynt, co-chairpersons
Coordinate the Maryland Pre-Authorized Check (PAC) efforts.
Public Relations Committee
Chris Danielsen, chairperson
responsible for marketing NFBMD programs and initiatives
Resolutions Committee
Chris Danielsen, chairperson
responsible for recommending (or not) that resolutions submitted by members
be brought to the NFBMD Convention floor
Scholarship Committee
Mildred Rivera, chairperson
responsible for administering the John T. McCraw Scholarship Program,
including mentoring candidates at national and state conventions and beyond
Sharon Maneki Youth Empowerment Grant Committee
Sharon Maneki, chairperson
responsible for reviewing and approving (or not) grant applications for
youth to attend blindness programs and training or to receive technology
Social Media Committee
Karen Anderson, chairperson
responsible for NFBMDs social media presence, communication, and outreach
using forums like Twitter and Facebook
Sports and Recreation Committee
Qualik Ford, chairperson
*Looking for a co-chairperson
responsible for coordinating sports and rec activities for the affiliate.
Website and Technology Committee
John Berggren, chairperson
responsible for NFBMD.org content and formatting, NFBMD databases, AV/IT at
conventions, seminars, and other events, and other technology necessary for
the operations of the NFB of Maryland
Youth Activity Committee
Brittany Bomboy, chairperson
responsible for engaging youth and planning youth-focused programs
Convention-Related Committees
Anna Freysz Cable Award Committee
Debbie Brown, chairperson
administers award program for an adult who has demonstrated exceptional
effort in learning blindness skills, which is given at the NFBMD Convention
Convention Child Care Committee
Brittany Bomboy, chairperson
coordinates childcare at the NFBMD Convention
Convention Organization and Activities
Meleah Jensen, chairperson
*Seeking a co-chairperson
coordinates the NFBMD Convention, including planning and logistics
Convention Registration Committee
Marie Marucci, chairperson
Coordinates and oversees convention registration.
Distinguished Educator of Blind Children Award Committee
Teresa Graham, chairperson
administers award to an exceptional teacher of the blind in Maryland;
awarded at the NFBMD Convention
Door Prize Committee
Juhi Narula and Qualik Ford, co-chairpersons
coordinates and runs NFBMD Convention door prize activities
Gold Cup Crab Race Committee
Rose Warner, chairperson
Administers Gold Crab Race Fundraiser at state convention
Jennifer Baker Award Committee
Melissa Riccobono, chairperson
administers award program for a child who has overcome significant
challenges to learn blindness skills; administered at the NFBMD Convention
Kenneth Jernigan Award Committee
Mary Ellen Jernigan, chairperson
administers award program for a Federationist who has demonstrated
exceptional and sustained service and commitment to the NFB of Maryland;
awarded at the NFBMD Convention
National Funding Support Auction Committee
Michael Bullis, chairperson
Administers the NFB of Maryland Bake and Experience Auction at the state
Nominating Committee
TBD, chairperson
responsible for recommending to the NFBMD Convention individuals for open
Board seats
Pay Your 2022 Dues by January 1!
In light of the pandemic and the suspension of in-person chapter meetings,
NFBMD maintains an online portal for individuals to pay their chapter and
division dues. We are asking members to pay their 2022 dues by January 1,
2022 if possible so we can ensure that our rolls are accurate for the annual
national membership data call in February.
Individuals may use NFBMDs Dues Portal to pay their 2021 annual dues, 2022
annual dues, and/or lifetime membership dues for those chapters that have
lifetime membership. The portal lists all NFBMD chapters and divisions and
their dues amounts. Individuals may pay for as many chapters and divisions
as they wish. The portal is located at <http://nfbmd.org/dues>
http://nfbmd.org/dues. Alternatively, individuals may mail a check to their
chapter or division treasurer.
Get ready for New Orleans in 2022!
The NFB 2022 National Convention will take place from July 5 10, 2022 in
New Orleans Louisiana. We are very excited to pass the convention hosting
torch to Louisiana. The convention will take place at the New Orleans
Marriott, and additional information will be available in the new year. We
anticipate individuals can make their lodging reservations in January and
that pre-registration will be open between March 1 and May 31, 2022.
However, those dates are approximate and tentative.
First time national convention attendees may apply for the Kenneth Jernigan
Scholarship. Information about this grant will be available in January 2022
with an anticipated application deadline of March 31, 2022.
Those from Maryland who are seeking financial assistance should speak with
their chapter president to find out what assistance their local chapter may
have available. The affiliates Financial Assistance Application Form is
now live and must be submitted by March 31, 2022. It can be found at
http://www.nfbmd.org/financialassistance. Please note that though the
Financial Assistance Committee will give due consideration to every
application, the affiliate has limited resources and is unable to grant
every request. For questions about the Financial Assistance Application
Program, please reach out to your chapter president or President Ronza
Othman at <mailto:President at nfbmd.org> President at nfbmd.org.
Update on Walmart Lawsuit
In 2018, the National Federation of the Blind, the NFB of Maryland, and
three blind members, Cindy Morales, Linwood Boyd, and Melissa Sheeder, filed
suit in Federal Court against Walmart. The suit asserts that Walmart
violated the Americans with Disabilities Act when it deployed inaccessible
check-out kiosks. Unfortunately, the judge assigned the case found in favor
of Walmart in September 2021. However, the NFB believes this opinion was
incorrect and inconsistent with the law. As a result, we have filed an
appeal to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals.
do You Feel Lucky?
The NFBMD spring raffle is underway. During the month of May, you have the
opportunity to win $50 Sunday through Friday, or $100 on Saturday. Purchase
a 3-digit number raffle ticket for $5. You will be the only one who has this
number. Between now and January 31, you may request a specific number from
Melissa Riccobono and pay the $5. You might want to request your birthday,
your anniversary, or some other significant number. After January 31,
tickets will be available from chapter presidents and you will not
necessarily be able to get the specific number you want. If you want to buy
or sell tickets, please contact Melissa Riccobono at
MelissaARiccobono at gmail.com. Help us sell all 1,000 tickets to win prizes!
Provided we sell all 1,000 tickets, we will enter the individuals who sell
winning tickets into a drawing for a cash prize. We will also award prizes
to those who sell the most tickets, provided we sell our entire stock of
NFBMD Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives
NFBMD is actively working to expand our knowledge of and emphasis on
diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives. These initiatives also
include those related to sexual harassment and misconduct, consent,
boundaries, and power dynamics. It is our intent that NFB of Maryland
activities, events, and programs be safe and welcoming to all, and to that
end we are devoting resources and time to increase our awareness and enhance
our strategies on DEI. Qualik Ford and Bill Borner co-chair this committee.
We encourage those interested in joining the committee to reach out to me at
<mailto:President at nfbmd.org> President at nfbmd.org.
The Committee provides state-wide guidance and support to chapters and the
affiliate on DEI. One goal for 2022 is to increase the presence of DEI in
our activities and to hold more DEI-focused activities. The Committee plans
to send out informational communications on certain topics and observances
to promote DEI but needs assistance in this area from those with lived
experience and/or expertise. One particular highlight will be a day-long
training for all elected affiliate, chapter, and division board members, the
DEI committee, the scholarship committee, the membership committee, and
those working with children. This training will take place on March 5, 2022
and will feature an introduction to diversity, equity, and inclusion;
recognizing and minimizing micro-aggressions; and understanding and
combatting implicit bias.
If you have questions about these initiatives or have suggestions for how we
can best incorporate DEI into our programs, please dont hesitate to contact
me at <mailto:President at nfbmd.org> President at nfbmd.org or at 443-426-4110.
NFBMD COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund
We continue to operate an affiliate COVID-19 fund to assist individuals and
families that are experiencing financial hardship during the COVID-19
crisis. This fund is available to blind individuals and families with a
blind household member living in Maryland. The financial assistance must be
needed due to a change in circumstance, e.g. loss of employment income,
because of COVID-19 or associated government directives like Stay-at-Home
orders. Assistance is limited to essentials such as groceries and
medication. This Fund is being administered by the NFBMD Financial
Assistance Committee. Anyone who is wishing to request assistance should
contact me at <mailto:President at nfbmd.org> President at nfbmd.org or at
In addition, we are seeking contributions to augment the NFBMD COVID-19
Emergency Response Fund. Those interested in making a monetary donation may
do so by sending a check to NFBMD, 1800 Johnson Street, Suite N1, Baltimore,
Maryland 21230 or by using the PayPal donation link on our website located
at <https://www.nfbmd.org/COVID-19Fund> https://www.nfbmd.org/COVID-19Fund.
Important Upcoming Dates
* December 1, 2021 NFB and NFBMD Scholarship Applications Open
* January 17, 2022 NFB and NFBMD COVID-19 Booster Clinic, Baltimore,
* January 20, 2022 - NFBMD Day in Annapolis, Annapolis, Maryland
* February 7, 2022 Great Gathering In, Washington, DC
* February 8, 2022 NFB of Maryland Day on the Hill, Washington, DC
* March 5, 2022 DEI Training for Affiliate Leaders (chapter and
division boards; affiliate board; scholarship, DEI, and Membership
committees; those working with youth), virtual
* March 11, 2022 Basket and Bag Bingo, Catonsville, Maryland
* July 5 10, 2022 NFB National Convention, New Orleans, Louisiana
* July 25 August 5, 2022 NFB BELL Academy, Baltimore, Maryland*
* August 6, 2022 NFBMD Crab Feast, Parkville, Maryland
* October 1 31, 2022 Blind Equality Achievement Month
* November 11 13, 2022 NFBMD Annual Convention, Towson, Maryland
*We are still determining dates and locations of other Maryland NFB BELL
Ronza Othman, President
National Federation of the Blind of Maryland
Pronouns: she, her, hers
The National Federation of the Blind of Maryland knows that blindness is not
the characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the
expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles
between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want;
blindness is not what holds you back.
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