[MABM] Week in Annapolis: Fact Sheets, Training, Call for Participants, Request for Zoom Hosts, and More!

president at nfbmd.org president at nfbmd.org
Sun Jan 16 00:12:37 UTC 2022


Below is information about our 2022 Week in Annapolis. 

1.            WE are looking for volunteers to attend meetings with the
Maryland General Assembly during our NFBMD Week In Annapolis. 

2.            We are also looking for volunteers to serve as Zoom hosts for
those meetings. 

3.            We are sharing information about issue training meetings so
participants can prepare to talk about our legislative priorities for the
2022 General Assembly. 

4.            We are sharing the Fact Sheets for our two legislative
priorities for 2022. 

5.            We are explaining when each geographic area will have the bulk
of its meetings.

6.            We are providing the Zoom information for the Issues Training


This year, instead of our usual Day in Annapolis, we will be holding a Week
in Annapolis.  Our Week in Annapolis dates are January 20 - 27, 2022. 


1.         Seeking Volunteers to Participate in Legislative Meetings

We will specifically have meetings on January 20, 25, 26, and 27.  We have
broken down the 188 appointments by geographic area, and so we do need
volunteers to participate in those virtual meetings.  We'd like people to
attend the meetings for their particular district (and we'll try to make
that happen) and also the general geographic area surrounding their
district.  But there are also districts with few NFBMD constituents, so we
are also looking for folks who can attend any district meetings on any day.
More information about the geographic breakdown later on this page.
Meanwhile, if you are available to participate in any of the days January
20, 25, 26, or 27 for our NFBMD 2022 Week in Annapolis, please let Sharon
Maneki, our Director of Legislation and Advocacy know.  You can email her at
Nfbmdsm at gmail.com or at 410-715-9596.  Please let her know by the end of the
day Tuesday, January 18, 2022 if you can participate.  Be sure to tell her
your name, how we can best reach you (email is preferred but not required)
to share Zoom information, your state legislative district, if you know it,
and your county.


2.         Seeking Zoom Hosts for Legislative Meetings

We are also in need of folks who are comfortable hosting Zoom meetings.  If
you are able to perform the duties of a Zoom host, please contact Ronza
Othman to let her know what days you are available.  You do not need to
provide a Zoom account for us to use to be a host.  Please email Ronza
Othman at President at nfbmd.org by Tuesday, January 18, 2022.


3.         Training on Issues

We will also be holding a meeting to prepare for the Week in Annapolis and
go over the issues, teams, and assignments.  Team Leads will attend a
separate meeting (on January 19 at 8PM; Sharon will send out the meeting
information to team leads directly) in addition to the issues meetings.  The
issues meeting will take place at 7:30PM on
Sunday, January 16, 2022.  The access information for the meeting can be
found at the bottom of this message.


4.         Legislative Priorities and Fact Sheets

This year, there are two legislative priorities:

*	a.         Accountability Act for Accessibility in K-12 Education
for Students with Disabilities
*	b.         Funding for the Center for Excellence in Nonvisual Access



5.         Schedule of Meeting Broken Down by Geographic Area

We have tried to organize constituent meetings by geographic location. 

-              Thursday, January 20 - Ann Arundel, Howard, Carrol, and
Frederick Counties

-              Tuesday, January 25 - Western Maryland, Eastern Shore,
Southern Maryland (Tri-county area), and Harford County

-              Wednesday, January 26 - Baltimore City and Baltimore Counties

-              Thursday, January 27 - Montgomery and Prince Georges Counties


6.         Zoom Call In Information for Issues Training Meeting


Ronza Othman is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.



Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 624 813 8327

Passcode: 63263

One tap mobile

+13126266799,,6248138327# US (Chicago)

+16468769923,,6248138327# US (New York)




Ronza Othman, President

National Federation of the Blind of Maryland


Pronouns: she, her, hers


The National Federation of the Blind of Maryland knows that blindness is not
the characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the
expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles
between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want;
blindness is not what holds you back.




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