[MABM] New LBPD Podcast Released!

Ashley Biggs -MSL- ashley.biggs1 at maryland.gov
Wed Jun 1 19:17:43 UTC 2022

Hi everyone!

I'm excited to announce our latest podcast has dropped! I want to say a
HUGE thank you to Ellen Platt and the Option Group for presenting on this
wonderful topic!


Dementia is not a normal part of aging. It is a medical condition that
changes your ability to think for yourself and make decisions. Dementia can
cause problems with memory and emotions and includes conditions such as
Alzheimer's disease. There is no cure for dementia. However, medications
can help treat symptoms and reduce risks. In this course, learn the basics
of Dementia and some treatment options that may be right for you. This
podcast is sponsored by The Option Group <https://theoptiongroup.net/>.

The Option Group <https://theoptiongroup.net/> is a compassionate team of
Geriatric/Aging Life Care Managers (GCM) that serves family caregivers,
medical professionals, and professional family advisors. Caring for
individuals who need assistance due to aging, dementia, disability, or
chronic illness can be challenging. Caregivers deserve support. Our team
has over 100 years of experience navigating the healthcare maze. Let us put
our experience and resources to work for you.

With regards,



*Ashley M. Biggs*
*Marketing & Outreach Librarian*
Maryland State Library for the Blind and Print Disabled
Maryland State Library
415 Park Avenue
Baltimore, Maryland 21201-3603

410-230-2430 (office) | 667-209-1563 (cell) | 410-333-2095 (fax)
ashley.biggs1 at maryland.gov


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   - Linked In - Maryland State Library for the Blind and Print Disabled
   - Blog- https://mdlbpd.blogspot.com/
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