[MABM] Thank You!

Maryland President president at nfbmd.org
Sun Nov 27 05:11:57 UTC 2022

Fellow Federationists,

Two weeks have past since our 56th Annual State Convention, and I hope you
are just as fired up as I am about where we are and where we are headed.  We
are the fire!


I wanted to thank each of you for your participation and contributions to
making this convention the best one so far.  Your energy and enthusiasm was


It takes a village to put on a convention such as ours, with all of its
moving parts.  Every person played a significant role, whether handling
logistics, working registration, serving as a marshal, taking tickets,
running a seminar, participating in a seminar, reminding colleagues and
friends to mask up, performing in the play, attending the play, performing
at CRAB Idol, attending Crab Idol, networking at a breakfast or luncheon,
working door prizes or auction or crab race, selling candy or love notes or
cell phone holders or raffle tickets or snacks, helping someone find a room,
reading an agenda or menu to someone, and so on.  You are the heartbeat of
the Federation, and your love, energy, and enthusiasm pumped loud and proud!


In the coming weeks, we will be posting highlights of the convention on our
website.  Please visit https://nfbmd.org to listen to many of the key
moments of the convention.  We will also be summarizing many key moments and
printing the transcripts of key presentations in the Spring 2023 Braille


We formally reorganized the Baltimore County Chapter during the convention.
We are very excited to see what the chapter will do in the coming years and
months.  The chapter will meet at Blind Industries and Services of Maryland
in Baltimore County, and I know that the chapter's long-time President, the
late Ruth Sager, would have loved this tribute to her.



We held an election at the Convention, and below please find the individuals
who were elected.  We are particularly grateful to Dezman Jackson for his
years of service to the Board, most recently serving as Second Vice
President.  Dezman has cycled off the Board, but he is still very present
and active as our affiliate Membership Chair and the new President of our
Baltimore County Chapter.



President: Ronza Othman

First Vice President: Debbie Brown

Second Vice President: Chris Danielsen

Secretary: Judy Rasmussen

Treasurer: Jenivieve White

Board Members:

Sharon Maneki

Melissa Riccobono

Mildred Rivera



The board positions occupied by Qualik Ford, James Garret Mooney, and
Marguerite Woods were not up for election this year, and those individuals
remain in their positions.


We are grateful for your support and are working hard on your behalf to
harness the fire.


Thank you for all you do, all you bring, and all your love.








Ronza Othman, President

National Federation of the Blind of Maryland


Pronouns: she, her, hers


The National Federation of the Blind of Maryland knows that blindness is not
the characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the
expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles
between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want;
blindness is not what holds you back


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