[MABM] Legislative Alert: Urgent Action Needed on SB934 - Funding for Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Maryland President
president at nfbmd.org
Thu Apr 6 20:20:59 UTC 2023
Hi Everyone,
We urgently need your help to move SB 934, which has a House cross-file of
HB 1222. This is the State Department of Education - Division of
Rehabilitation Services - Funding and Staffing - bill.
The Senate passed SB 934 last week, and the bill has been in House Rules
since then. I am requesting that you contact House Rules and Executive
Nominations and House Ways and Means Chairs and Vice Chairs to request that
they work to get SB 934 referred from Rules to Ways and Means and that Ways
and Means give a favorable report on the bill with enough time for the House
to consider it before Monday's session end date.
Anne Healey is the Chair of Rules and Executive Nominations and can be
reached at Anne.Healey at house.state.md.us
<mailto:Anne.Healey at house.state.md.us> .
Marvin Holmes is the Vice Chair of Rules and Executive Nominations, and he
can be reached at Marvin.Holmes at house.state.md.us
<mailto:Marvin.Holmes at house.state.md.us> .
Vanessa Atterbeary is the Chair of Ways and Means and can be reached at
Vanessa.Atterbeary at house.state.md.us
<mailto:Vanessa.Atterbeary at house.state.md.us> .
Jheanelle Wilkins is the Vice Chair of Ways and Means and can be reached at
Jheanelle.Wilkins at house.state.md.us
<mailto:Jheanelle.Wilkins at house.state.md.us> .
You can say something like:
Dear Delegate [name],
I am writing as a Marylander with a disability to urge you to move forward
on passing SB 934, which provides funding and staffing for the Division of
Rehabilitation Services, a part of the Maryland State Department of
Education. This bill provides funding for Pins to adequately staff the
Division of Rehabilitation Services and to meet the funding formula required
in Federal law for rehabilitation services for those with disabilities who
want to work. There is a critical shortage of vocational rehabilitation
staff, and their caseloads are so large that individuals with disabilities
in Maryland interested in joining the workforce are being short-changed.
In addition, the backlog of cases has caused a waitlist that often lasts
years for clients to receive services. These are Marylanders who need these
services to get transition services in high school and college, remain in
the workforce, or to enter the workforce. This talent pool can fill some of
the critical worker shortages if they get the vocational rehabilitation and
supports they need, and they will contribute meaningfully, once employed, to
our state's economy.
Please have SB 934 rereferred from the Rules Committee to the Ways and Means
Committee, work to give it a favorable report in Ways and Means quickly, and
support the bill on the House floor. The Senate has already passed this
bill, and we ask that the House do the same this session.
Please let me know if you have questions or need more information.
Ronza Othman, President
National Federation of the Blind of Maryland
Pronouns: she, her, hers
The National Federation of the Blind of Maryland knows that blindness is not
the characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the
expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles
between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want;
blindness is not what holds you back
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