[MABM] NFBMD Crab Feast September 15 - We Need Your Help

Ellen Ringlein germlish77 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 1 01:08:47 UTC 2023

Dear Federation Family and Friends,

As you probably know, our crab feast help fund our John T. McCraw
Scholarship program. This year we will be awarding a $4,000 scholarship to
each of our three deserving blind postsecondary student finalists. Our
September crab feast is by no means sold out. Here is where you come in. 

How You Can Help!
• Purchase a ticket: Attend a fun event and support a good cause at the same
time. Find more information and purchase details at https://nfbmd.org/crabs.
The Price goes up after August 31, so take advantage of the early bird
 • Help publicize the event: Regardless of whether you are able to attend
yourself, spread the word to your family and friend network. If you are on
FaceBook, please share this event:
If you are not on FaceBook, use the details below to send out an email to
your contacts.

For your convenience, below are more details about our crab feast taken from
the NFB of Maryland website.

2023 Annual Crab Feast Fundraiser Baltimore - September 15, 2023! 
NFB of Maryland Annual Crab Feast Fundraiser
To benefit the John T. McCraw Scholarship Fund
When: Friday, September 15, 2023 - 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Where: Rosedale Gardens - 8037 Philadelphia Road - Baltimore, MD 21237
Tickets are $70 each if purchased on or before August 31, 2023 and $75 each
if purchased after August 31, 2023.
Children 6 and under are free. 
Special Promotion: Buy or Sell 25 or more tickets and get your ticket FREE!
Dancing, 50 / 50 Raffle, Door Prizes, and more.
Menu Includes: Steamed Crabs, Fried Chicken, beef Bar B Que – All You Can
Eat! Plus a Buffet of Entrees Including Maryland-style crab soup,
other sides, Salad, fruit, cake

Yuengling and Miller beer
Carbonated Beverages, iced tea, and Coffee
For additional information: Call (443) 426-4110 or  
send an email to President at NFBMD.org

Purchase your ticket(s) in one of three ways: 
Online: By using the PayPal button below (Credit cards and PayPal can both
be used via this method)*

Purchase: 2023 Crab Feast Ticket!

President at nfbmd.org

Mail: (Make checks payable to NFBMD)
NFBMD Crab Feast
1800 Johnson Street, Suite N1
Baltimore, MD 21230
*Note: Due to administrative handling, tickets purchased online cost $73 per
We ask those who are not able to attend this event but wish to make a
donation to do so by sending a donation through Zell (
President at nfbmd.org),
mailing a check to NFBMD, 1800 Johnson Street, Suite N1, Baltimore, MD
21230, or by using the PayPal donation button at Nfbmd.org.

Thanks in advance for contributing to the success of our scholarship crab


Ellen Ringlein
Crab Feast Committee Co-Chair

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