[MABM] URGENT!: 2023 NFB of Maryland State Convention Update!

Maryland President president at nfbmd.org
Tue Sep 12 12:21:40 UTC 2023

Hi Friends,

I'm sorry to share that the Delta by Marriott Hotel Baltimore Hunt Valley
has notified us that it will be closing at the end of October.  As you know,
this was our hotel for the 2023 State convention - and it is also where we
were contracted to go in 2024 as well.  As our NFB of Maryland State
Convention is scheduled for November 10 - 12, 2023, we won't be able to hold
the convention at the Delta since it'll go out of business ten days before
we were scheduled to arrive.


I'm working feverishly with Marriott to find an alternate convention
location, and the affiliate Board has some contingency plans just in case.
I'm sorry I don't have more to share right now - I was hoping to tell you
all what was happening and share our plans for the 2023 State Convention at
the same time, but the Delta's closure hit the news this morning and some of
you have reached out to ask questions and express concern.


I expect that I should have something to share soon in terms of our
alternate location and/or plans, hopefully within a week.  In the meantime,
we are keeping the convention registration open and the Financial Assistance
Application deadline will not change (it is September 15, 2023).  The
sponsor and exhibitor deadline is also September 15, 2023, and we don't
anticipate extending those deadlines either.  In the event we have to
reimagine how we will hold the convention such that costs, the exhibit hall,
or sponsorship changes, we'll engage with those who have submitted
applications directly.  Those of you who have made hotel reservations don't
have to do anything at this time.  We'll reach out to you directly to
explore transferring your reservation once we finalize our alternate plans.


It is the affiliate Board's intention to have a convention on November 10 -
12, 2023, our hope is to do so in person in the Baltimore County/City area,
and we're optimistic that we can make it all come together.  However, if we
can't find a physical hotel to accommodate us, we have backup plans and
backup plans for the backup plans.  Please be patient with us while we sort
it all out.  Please also keep in mind that shifting gears less than 2 months
before a big convention like ours is quite a challenge, and it ordinarily
takes a year or more to plan for a state convention in Maryland.  We'll be
having to redo pretty much everything, from figuring out lodging to space to
food to transportation to the agenda to programming - most of which was
already done and has to be both undone with the Delta and redone for our new
plan once finalized.  All that is to say that we're doing our best in a
really tough situation, we won't know all the answers right away, but we
promise the convention will be fun and interesting once the dust settles.


And for criminy's sake, buy a crab feast ticket or ten!  Because that's
still happening this Friday, September 15, 2023, and we have scholarships to


The business and the hope, love, and determination of the Federation
continues regardless of what else might be happening in the world!






Ronza Othman, President

National Federation of the Blind of Maryland


Pronouns: she, her, hers


The National Federation of the Blind of Maryland knows that blindness is not
the characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the
expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles
between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want;
blindness is not what holds you back


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