[Mabs] Information for All Missouri Students

Shelia Wright sbwright95 at att.net
Thu May 5 20:26:32 UTC 2011



Wow! Can you believe it, it has been a month since the state convention!  I
am sure most of us are preparing for finals!  I wish you all the best in the
final weeks of class, exams, projects, and term papers coming due!


I have been in touch with our state president, Gary Wunder, and we are so
excited about the interest to start a Student College Division again!  What
I need from all of you is to share what you would like to see take place in
the future months.


Some questions we need to think about and give input on is:

1.         How often do we want to meet and where?

2.         Do we want to have phone conferences between meetings?

3.         Do we want to keep it as a Student Committee or make it into a
Division again and have chapters with elected officers?

4.         If we have a seminar where do you believe we would get the best
turn out?

5.         I heard St. Louis already stated they wanted to create a chapter;
where else would it be a good idea to have chapters?

Add any other questions you may have or feel free to answer these questions
and others you may think of!


Below are some major things students shared with me that they would like

*	Legal Advocacy
*	Self Advocacy
*	Important Student issues
*	Accommodations 
*	Assistive Technology 
*	Time Management 
*	Transitioning from a 2 year to a 4 year degree
*	Self Perseverance 
*	Connecting/Support with other students

Please let me know if something needs to be added to the above list!


* At the committee meeting we talked about having a seminar at the end of
summer.  Some suggestions were a weekend seminar at Windermere or St. Louis.
I feel we need a brain storm meeting, the sooner the better!  Any one
interested in a leadership role is most definitely encouraged to attend this


* Seminars and Weekend Retreats cost money and time of others!  We need to
show President Wunder we are both wanting and willing to commit to get it
off the ground!


I want to see my email box "FLOODED" by interested students!


I hope to hear from all of you soon!


Until we chat/meet again,


Shirley A Grauel

NFB Blind Students Committee-Chair

(816) 587-5406 (home)

(816) 550-9823 (cell)

sagrauel at swbell.net



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