[Massachusetts-NFB] Do you know either of these kind individuals?

sharawinton at gmail.com sharawinton at gmail.com
Sun Oct 9 22:28:34 UTC 2022

Good Afternoon!! 

I hope everyone is doing super well. Thank you to everyone who came to our
walk. We had a great turn-out. We had more than double the participants of
our last walk. . 

We also had a great time at our Summer Shack Lunch, afterwards.  I love
being able to see you all and spending time with you getting to know you and
each other better. 

Please remember, we still need and hope you are collecting sponsors and
donations. WE will continue to accept any donations towards our David Ticchi
Walk for another month, actually we will accept any time. But, if we get
them in the next month it makes it easier to show it's connection to the
Annual walk. 

We try to send out Thank you letters to everyone who has kindly made a
donation. There are two people who made a donation for which we do not have
any contact information. If you know Donald Green or Nancy O'Brien, please
contact me at your earliest convenience.  We want to thank them for their




Shara Winton

President, National Federation of the Blind of Massachusetts


Visit NFB MA Website for more information

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"You can live the life you want; blindness is not what holds you back."


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