[Massachusetts-NFB] October Parents Division Meeting Minutes

Liz Lesperance liz.karsok at gmail.com
Tue Oct 11 00:47:46 UTC 2022

Hello Everyone,

Pasted below please find the meeting minutes from the most recent Parent's
Division meeting held last Thursday, Oct. 6th.


The NFBMA Parents' Division met on Thursday, October 6th. The meeting began
at 6:05. Those in attendance included:

Stephanie Valdes

Youme Nguyen Ly

Hai Nguyen Ly

Jennifer Bose

Liz Lesperance

We will start making it a point to review and approve our monthly minutes.

We will soon begin collecting dues once we sort out how best to maintain
the funds.

We discussed holding an IEP discussion during a Thursday night gathering as
an open event. We considered holding this in collaboration with MABS.
Stephanie will reach out to this group for contact info and ideas.

Jen, Youme, and Hai attended the Cambridge walk and discussed their
experiences. It was an enjoyable event for all and nice to be able to get
together in person.

We discussed fundraising ideas for the future once our treasury account is
in order

The group hopes one day to push forth a parent’s rights bill. This will
require contacting local legislators as well as identifying other
organizations with a similar goal.

Liz will begin sending out meeting reminders to inform of upcoming meetings

The meeting adjourned at 7:48PM.

Our next meeting will be Thursday, Nov 3rd at 6:00PM.
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