[Massachusetts-NFB] At-Large Chapter meeting Sunday, 9/11 at 7pm

Debbie Malone dmalone510 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 9 11:16:19 UTC 2022

Hi Massachusetts Federation Family
Please forgive me for the lateness of sending out the agenda for our
September 11 meeting at 7pm.. I was on vacation and forgot. I am sending it
in the email and as an attachment.


At large chapter

Meeting Agenda


Call to Order

Pledge of Allegiance:

NFB Pledge:

Roll Call:

Secretary’s Report:

          Approval of minutes

Treasurer’s Report:

President’s Report:

          Presidential Release Summary


Blind Equality Achievement Month:


New Business:

Next meeting: October 9 at 7pm


*Debbie Malone*
*NFB of Massachusetts*
*At-Large Chapter Vice President*
*InclusionEducation.com <https://inclusioneducation.com/>*
Amazon Author Page <https://www.amazon.com/~/e/B07RVCRR5R>
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