[Massachusetts-NFB] Cambridge Chapter September Meeting Minutes

Cullen Gallagher cullen.gallagher at gmail.com
Tue Sep 27 06:52:46 UTC 2022

Hello Federationists,
First, I want to apologize for my delay in getting these minutes out. I was out of the country, and did not have a reliable Internet connection. The September Cambridge Chapter meeting minutes are attached and pasted below. Please let me know if anything should be corrected. 

The September meeting of the Cambridge Chapter was called to order at 6:30 PM.
In Attendance:
Francisco Sousa
Cristine Diaz 
George Kamara
Shara Winton
Cullen Gallagher
ElizabethAnn Johnson
John Oliveira
Kristina Constant
Kobena Bonney
Al Sten-clanton
Masha Sten-clanton
Shirley Dorris
Bronwen Tedesco
David Ticchi 
Justin Heard
Kyle Shachmut
Stephanie Valdes
Sengil Inkiala
Kyle led the NFB Pledge.
The August minutes were accepted as written. It was noted that  the October 9 date listed for the David Ticchi Walk was correct at the time of the August meeting.
Mika Pyyhkala was unavailable to present the Treasurer's Report. 
Justin presented highlights from the September Presidential Release. It can be accessed at the following link: https://nfb.org/sites/nfb.org/files/2022-08/presidential_release_519_september_2022_chapter_version%201.mp3 <https://nfb.org/sites/nfb.org/files/2022-08/presidential_release_519_september_2022_chapter_version%201.mp3>
A text transcript is also available: https://nfb.org/resources/publications-and-media/presidential-releases/transcripts/presidential-release-519 <https://nfb.org/resources/publications-and-media/presidential-releases/transcripts/presidential-release-519>
Shara gave an update on the David Ticchi Walk. The walk will be from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM on Sunday, October 2 at Fresh Pond in Cambridge. The walk itself is 2.5 miles. We have been asked not to bring bottled water, instead, we should bring a refillable water bottle which you can fill at the Water Department. Work to get donations and sponsors, the letter was re sent out before the meeting. You can personalize it, add your signature and who you are sending it to. If you cannot make it to the walk, you can walk in your own area. We would love to see everyone in-person though. 
Following the walk, we will have lunch at the Summer Shack. A semi-private space has been reserved. The chef is world renowned. The chapter is subsidizing some of the cost, the meal will be $20. There will be a choice of four entrées, as well as soup or salad and Dessert. Choices include chicken, seafood, beaf or a vegetarian option. A cash bar will also be available. Shara needs to know who will be attending, the deadline is September 25. 
We have a tea-shirt contest happening now. We want to design a shirt that teaches something blindness related. It can be funny or serious. Whoever comes up with the best slogan will get their meal at the Summer Shack for free, and possibly other prizes. Email your slogan idea to Shara, or post it on our listserv. The contest ends on Saturday, September 17. If we get them in time, we may be able to have them for the walk. 
For those who received Financial assistance to attend the National Convention, you must give a short presentation on a meeting you attended. There are two time options. You can present at an upcoming chapter meeting. Contact Justin if you want to do this. The other option is at one of the weekly Thursday night calls. Contact Shara if you want to present there. John Oliveira agreed to present in October. 
The Chapter Location Committee has been working hard to find a new location. However, not knowing what day we want to meet has made it difficult to move forward. The options considered are Mondays at 6:00 PM, or Saturdays around 11:00 AM. Most members strongly preferred keeping Monday nights as our meeting day, so our meetings will continue to be on Mondays. We hope to have a location finalized next month. 
Ax throwing was discussed. There is a location in Somerville where we could throw axes. They teach you how to throw, and they enjoy having blind people there. The goal is for the ax to stick to a wooden board. The location also has a bar. A group rate is available. There was a lot of interest, so we will explore hosting an event in November or December. Monitor our listserv for more information.
Our next meeting will be on Monday, October 10.
Meeting adjourned at 7:53 PM

Cullen Gallagher
Second Vice President and Cambridge Chapter Secretary: National Federation of the Blind of Massachusetts

The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want; blindness is not what holds you back.

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