[Massachusetts-NFB] Tomorrow’s bake sale

ladyshirl519 at gmail.com ladyshirl519 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 6 21:15:29 UTC 2023

Good afternoon everyone!
I am so very excited for this big sale tomorrow! I just know it is going to be a huge success!
I want to thank everyone who has participated by baking and getting their things to me!
I am glad to have been able to spend time with some members that I didn’t know that well, and have conversation to get to know them better!
I am so grateful to be a part of such an amazing organization!

My utmost gratitude, and thanks to these people who have put the time in to bake, and a few that stayed with me for a few hours to package and label things…

Laurie Mattioli
Kristina Constance
Al & Masha Sten-Clanton
Bronwen Tedesco
Shara Winton
Jen Bows
Justin and Blaine Heard
ElizabethAnn Johnson
Stephanie Valdez
Debbie Malone

Jane Long(a friend who volunteers at Perkins with me)
She baked cookies and a coffee cake and also gave me a $20 donation

If I have missed anyone, please forgive me, but know that I am true appreciative of all of you who have participated/contributed!

Hoping this will be as successful as my granddaughters schools PTO bake sale at this time last year… Which made over $2000!

I will update all of you at some point tomorrow night with our earnings for the day!

Shirley Dorris

Sent from my iPhone

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