[Massachusetts-NFB] Cambridge Chapter September Meeting Minutes

Cullen Gallagher cullen.gallagher at gmail.com
Wed Sep 13 22:47:58 UTC 2023

Hello Federationists,
The  minutes from Monday's Cambridge Chapter meeting are attached and pasted below.
Cambridge Chapter Minutes, September 11, 2023

The September meeting of the Cambridge Chapter was held as a hybrid meeting at Citywide Senior Center and on Zoom. It was called to order at 6:02 PM.
In Attendance:

Blaine Heard
Rick Camann
Rashad Saadieh
Shara Winton
Sengil Inkiala
Shirley Dorris
ElizabethAnn Johnson
Kobena Bonney
Bronwen Tedesco
Tracy Carvalho
Tammy Febbi
Angey Manerson
Al Sten-Clanton
Nicole Tolbert
Cullen Gallagher
Masha Sten-Clanton
Debbie Malone
Vinod Chawla
Kyle Shachmut
Mika Pyyhkala
David Ticchi
Stephen Yerardi
Justin Heard
NFB Pledge

Shirley led the NFB Pledge.
Approval of Minutes

Shara moved that the minutes be accepted as presented; the motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report

Mika presented the Treasurer’s Report. We are beginning to receive weekly updates on walk donations. So far, we have received $605 in donations. Some were received direct by mail and via PayPal. Our account balance is $1,696.29. Cullen moved that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted as presented; the motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
Presidential Release

Justin presented highlights from the September Presidential Release. <https://www.youtube.com/live/0Tvp0xS-M-0?si=NmJYZBsbR4SimQvA&t=127>
David Ticchi Walk

The walk will be held on Sunday, October 8 from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM at Fresh Pond in Cambridge. This is our largest fundraiser, so invite friends and family to walk and get sponsors. 
We discussed what to do about lunch following the event. Going to a restaurant was the preferred option, as it would not be affected by weather. It was emphasized that if we go to a restaurant, everyone would be responsible for their own meal. Shara, Masha and Bronwen will look at restaurant options and let us know the details. 
Shara reminded us that funds raised at the walk not only go to funding convention and Washington Seminar attendance, but are also used for scholarships and party dinners. Everyone benefits. Remember that when asking for sponsors, every no is one step closer to a yes!
Article Discussion

We discussed the article The Role of Forgiveness in Advocacy Work from the July Braille Monitor.  <https://nfb.org//images/nfb/publications/bm/bm23/bm2307/bm230704.htm>This article discusses groups and organizations that harm us and later want us to be on their side, committing to making changes. This article gave us a lot to think about as a group, including how we define forgiveness, how forgiveness can relieve stress, and how not forgiving can be harmful for ourselves. 
Community Outreach Committee

Last month, we had a discussion about ways to affect our local area, and providing training for healthcare workers and public officials. Justin would like to form a committee to find ways to do this. This committee would be responsible for finding these opportunities, and presenting these opportunities to the chapter. Mika, Inky, Shirley, Stephen, Debbie and Tammy will be on the Community Outreach Committee. Inky will serve as chair. 
Hearing At State House on September 19

Next Tuesday, September 19, there will be a hearing at the state house on uniform ballot measures. We have had a few meetings about this, and there is one this week. We would like as many members as possible to attend this hearing. Tuesday, September 19 at 1:00 PM at the State House, exact location to be announced.
Christmas Party

We all enjoyed last year's party at John Brewer Tavern in Waltham. It was a good space with good food. Everyone was in favor of returning there for our 2023 party. Shirley volunteered to help with making the reservation.
Call to Action, Homework

Justin would like everyone to email, text or call him with at least one sentence answering the question, “what is the purpose of the Cambridge Chapter?" This will help us ensure that we are all on the same page and to help us know why we come together each month as a chapter. That should be done by noon tomorrow, September 12. Justin will also send this out to the list. 
Next Meeting

Due to the holiday, the October 9 meeting will be held via Zoom.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:31 PM.

Cullen Gallagher
Affiliate Secretary and Cambridge Chapter Secretary: National Federation of the Blind of Massachusetts

The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want; blindness is not what holds you back.

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