[Massachusetts-NFB] FW: [NFB-Seniors-Discussion] NFBN Senior Division August Meeting - Three days away- Monday the 12th - Is Training in Blindness Skills Important - how so...

sharawinton at gmail.com sharawinton at gmail.com
Fri Aug 9 22:05:24 UTC 2024

This is a National Senior Division meeting. Our Cambridge chapter meeting
begins one hour earlier. So if you are in the Cambridge chapter, please
attend your chapter meeting and join this call afterwards. Thank you. 


Shara Winton

President, National federation of the Blind of Massachusetts

 <http://www.nfbma.org/> www.nfbma.org

 <mailto:sharawinton at gmail.com> sharawinton at gmail.com



From: NFB-Seniors-Discussion <nfb-seniors-discussion-bounces at nfbnet.org> On
Behalf Of RobertLeslie Newman via NFB-Seniors-Discussion
Sent: Friday, August 9, 2024 3:59 PM
To: NE senior division listserv <nebraska-senior-blind at nfbnet.org>; NFB
Seniors Division Discussion List <nfb-seniors-discussion at nfbnet.org>
Cc: robertleslienewman at gmail.com
Subject: [NFB-Seniors-Discussion] NFBN Senior Division August Meeting -
Three days away- Monday the 12th - Is Training in Blindness Skills Important
- how so...


Hi You All

RE- Our August meeting date is Monday the 12th - three days away!


Contents of this message:

*1: Topic of our meeting

*2: When and how to get on our call

*3: Agenda 

*4: The NFB Pledge 

*5: Last month's reports 



What can training in blindness skills do for you? Robert will lead the
discussion. And from all on the call we will probe to find questions, needs,
and answers! Join in and help us do this right!


*2: When and how to get on the call



Date: Monday, August 12th

Time: 7:00 CT


Join Zoom Meeting:

https://zoom.us/j/9743 1318555?pwd=NmVpT2VhTEl4ZlczVElyZDYycDNGQT09


One tap mobile:




Dial by your location:

+1 346 248 7799 

+1 408 638 0968

Meeting ID: 974 3131 8555

Passcode: 637552


*3: Agenda    

-First- Come to order, conduct introductions, and we have our NFB Pledge;
voiced by- Karen Moritz


-Second- Our discussion on blindness skills Training and blindness 



-Contact current and past members to join in on our call!

-Sharing of 2024 national convention experiences; is this part of this
month's discussion - living with blindness, training?

on -Update on posting Senior Division communications; making it possible for
non-email users

-Whatever else members may bring



-Members get reminded of next month's meeting topic. and choose future

-whatever else we get from the membership


--Brags and Drags


*4: NFB Pledge: 

I pledge to participate actively in the efforts of the National Federation
of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for the blind;
to support the policies and programs of the Federation; and to abide by its


*5: Minutes from our last meeting:




Monday, June 10, 2024


The NFBN Senior Division met via Zoom on Monday, June 10, 2024. President
Robert Newman called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM CDT. Members present
were: President Robert Newman, Vice President Barbara Loos, Secretary Linda
Mentink, Treasurer Cheryl Livingston, Board Member Nancy Oltman, Dorothy
Babel, Chris Boone, Bob Burns, Gina Finnell, George Fischer, Melvin Forster,
Brad Loos, Deb Mauer, Karen Moritz, Sheryl Rogge, Steve Senteney, Dan
Treffer, and Jerry Whitlow. Guests present were: Kathy Brahmer and Eli and
Emily Sidders from Nebraska, Sheri Campos from Washington, Toni Eames from
California, June Hunter-Hardy from Delaware, and Beth Wright from North


Robert recited our NFB Pledge. Karen Moritz will recite it in August.


Bob Burns led a discussion on having a can-do positive attitude about
blindness. Many of us added our comments. Our topic for August will be
training, and our topic for September will be family.


Linda read the May 20, 2024, Secretary's Report. There were no additions or
corrections, so it will become a part of the permanent record of the


Cheryl Livingston read the June 10, 2024, Treasurer's Report. It will become
a part of the permanent financial record of the organization.


Chris talked to Jamie, who said it is not a problem to have a subchannel on
NFB-Newsline. The announcement can be for the Nebraska channel, Senior
Division. She is happy to put anything on there that we want. Several people
want Jamie to reach out to them to connect with NFB-Newsline. Linda agreed
to send her a list of those interested.


We shared brags and drags.


There was no further business, so Karen moved, and Linda seconded that we
adjourn. The motion carried and we adjourned at 8:43 PM CDT.


Respectfully submitted,


Linda Mentink, Secretary



Treasurer's Report Senior Division


Monday June 10, 2024


Beginning Balance               $2149.83



PAC for June                         $ 15.00

Ck #1250 for 

Assistance to state conv     -

Dues                                       $290.00

Dues to affiliate                                $ 80.00

Total expenses                                 $385.00




Dues to Seniors from affiliate         $ 35.00           


Ending Balance                                $1799.83

Members who have paid dues as of this report

Linda Mentink

Nancy Oltman

George Fischer

Dorothy Babel

Karen Lemmon

Gina Finnell

Steve Senteney

Deb Altman

Jeff Altman

Bob Burns

Karen Moritz

Kimberly Scherbarth

Carlos Servan

Geralyn Konruff

Deb Mauer

Dan Treffer

Total = 16

Paid by PayPal

Robert Newman

Jerry Whitlow

Barbara Loos

Brad Loos

Cheryl Livingston

Doug Peterson         

Christine Boone

Total _knowledge 7


Respectfully submitted,

Cheryl Livingston, Treasurer



Respectfully yours,

Robert Leslie Newman

NFBN Senior Division, President


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