[Massachusetts-NFB] Great opportunity to talk about your experiences with voting

sharawinton at gmail.com sharawinton at gmail.com
Thu Jan 4 07:22:21 UTC 2024



I hope this finds you well. NDRN is working on a documentary to showcase the power of the disability vote. To that end I was hoping you might be able to help connect me with your chapters serving Massachusetts, New Hampshire, South Carolina and the DMV region. I've attached a flyer that explainers the project in greater detail. I should note that, following the ethics of documentary filmmaking, we are unable to pay people to participate in a documentary interview. However we are able to provide lunch. 


This project will be non-partisan, with the goal of showing that voters with disabilities are of the largest groups in America that politicians of all stripes could do more to reach out to.


To that end I am hoping to interview voters with disabilities on the ground in those states, and would love if you could point us towards folks or connect us with your state chapters.


I'm happy to hop on a call if you have any questions about this project. 


All the Best,



PS- Apologies if you got this already since I reached out to some of the disability organizations doing voting rights work, but wanted to make sure I reached out to NFB directly. 


Jack Rosen


Senior Digital Communications Specialist

National Disability Rights Network


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