[Massachusetts-NFB] State Board MeetingZoom and agenda

sharawinton at gmail.com sharawinton at gmail.com
Mon May 6 16:47:45 UTC 2024

Our May State board meeting will be held at 7PM via Zoom. If you are not a
member of the board, we ask that you please remain muted unless and untilyou
are given the floor. 

Anyone seeking the floor at any time, should raise their hand via zoom or
simply state your own name and wait until you are given the floor to speak.
Thank you for following this proticall that allows us hear each other and to
give everyone a chance to speak. 

Here are the Zoom Detials: Shara Winton She/Her is inviting you to a
scheduled Zoom meeting.


Topic: NFB MA Board Meeting

        May 7, 2024 07:00 PM

        Aug 6, 2024 07:00 PM


Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 919 1896 4888

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        +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)

        +1 646 931 3860 US

        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)



NFB MA Board Meeting May 7, 2024


1.	7PM Call to order
2.	Minutes from Last meeting
3.	Treasurers Report
4.	Springfield Walk
5.	Kendra Scott fund-Raiser
6.	Microsoft giving
7.	New England Council membership
8.	Bell Academy
9.	National convention including Scholarship winners
10.	2025 State convention
11.	New Business
12.	Adjournment


Shara Winton

President, National federation of the Blind of Massachusetts

 <http://www.nfbma.org/> www.nfbma.org

 <mailto:sharawinton at gmail.com> sharawinton at gmail.com



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