[MD-AtLarge] May Message

nfbmd nfbmd at earthlink.net
Mon May 16 15:16:02 UTC 2016

Fellow Federationists,


Community Outreach

Spring activities abound in the NFBMD. The Maryland Association of Blind
Students and the Maryland Parents of Blind Children held successful seminars
in May. To encourage blind students to get active in their communities, both
inside and outside of school, the students held an afternoon at the gym to
stretch their limits and raise expectations. While at dinner they also made
new friends and had lots of opportunities for networking. The parents held
two successful workshops, and are planning a third workshop on May 21. The
theme of these workshops is transitioning, the specific topics will be
decided by each group. The student seminar was held in Laurel, and the
parents seminars were held in College Park and Salisbury. The remaining
parent's seminar will be held in Hagerstown. As you can see, we are reaching
out to areas across the state. 

Chapters continue community outreach and a wide variety of fundraising
activities. Local Chapters and the State Affiliate set-up exhibits to help
us find blind persons that are not aware of our organization. For instance
on April 30, we participated in the Foundation Fighting Blindness Technology
workshop for parents. We distributed NFB literature, advertised parent
activities, demonstrated NFB Newsline and the KNFB Reader. Many thanks to
Chrissie Day, Chris Danielson, and Joel Zimba for staffing that exhibit.   

May 24 is Global Accessibility Day. To make this day meaningful, participate
in the events at Towson University. Visit www.BaltimoreGAAD.org
<http://www.BaltimoreGAAD.org>  to learn more about the Baltimore event and
GAAD as a movement or email info at baltimoregaad.org
<mailto:info at baltimoregaad.org>  with questions.

Be sure to friend or like the NFBMD Facebook page.  We have a great
committee who is making sure to post the latest happenings.  Check it out.
Go to https://www.facebook.com/nationalfederationoftheblindofmaryland. 


Thank You

Many thanks to Latonya Phipps, and her committee for organizing our second
successful Gospel Concert. It truly was an afternoon of inspiration. Many
thanks to those who shared their musical talents, and to those who showed
their support through audience participation. 

Many thanks to everyone who participated in our voter survey. We will use
the data to demonstrate that the policies and practices of the State Board
of Elections need to be revised to ensure that the ballots of disabled
voters will not be segregated as they were in the primary. We also hope to
eliminate the confusing instructions given to judges. The ultimate goal is
to make sure that blind persons can continue to vote independently and

Many thanks to everyone who made our efforts in Annapolis during the 2016
session of the Maryland General Assembly a success.  On May 10 Gov. Hogan
signed SB765/HB976 into law.  This law will lessen the discrimination that
blind persons face in custody, guardianship and adoption cases.  On May 19
Gov. Hogan is expected to sign SB417/HB420 into law.  This law will
eliminate the practice of paying workers with disabilities less than the
minimum wage by 2020.  For a full explanation of this new law read the
Spring issue of the Braille Spectator at www.nfbmd.org
<http://www.nfbmd.org> . Look under current newsletter.  You may also read
this issue of the Braille Spectator on the local channel of NFB Newsline.



            We are very excited that Maryland has a National Scholarship
winner this year.  Nathan Clark, who will be a senior at Towson University
next fall, is one of our thirty National Scholarship winners.  

            We are pleased to also have two NFBMD Scholarship Winners. Jason
Polanski will be a sophomore at Messiah College in Mechanicsburg, PA. He is
majoring in business and marketing. Erin Daring is a student at Montgomery
Community College. After completing her associate's degree, she intends to
go on to get a BA in Education and become a teacher of blind students. 


Upcoming Events that need your attention in May

It is time to prepare to attend our National Convention in Orlando, Florida
from June 30 - July 5. Remember, pre-registration will end on May 31. Save
some money by registering for the convention and buying your banquet ticket
today.  If you want to use Paratransit at the national convention in
Orlando, you should register now.  The number for the service there, Access
LYNX, is 407-423-8747.

The Greater Carroll County chapter will celebrate its first anniversary by
hosting the NFBMD Board of Directors Meeting for the first time. Join us at
the Carroll Lutheran Village, 201 St. Mark Way, Westminster to meet new
Federationists and to plan statewide events. Date: June 4, 10am-2pm. If you
can attend, call 410-715-9596. Lunch will be $12.

There is still time to promote Braille literacy by signing up for the 6 Dot
Dash. This 6K walk or run takes place on June 5, and kicks off at 8am at the
National Center. Team Sharon needs more participants. To register, go to


Dates to Keep in Mind

May 15-21. White Cane Week. 

May 21. Networking Face to Face: Better than Facebook, Ramada Plaza,
Hagerstown. For more information email president at mdpobc.org

May 24. Event to Celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day, Towson
University, the building at 7800 York Road, 4:30-7:30.

June 2. Diabetes Conference Call, 7 pm. Call 641-715-3272. The access code
is 720125#.

June 4.  NFBMD Board of Directors Meeting, Carroll Lutheran Village,

June 5. Dot Dash 6K Walk or Run for Braille Literacy. Race begins at 8am at
the National Center for the Blind, 200 East Wells Street, Baltimore.

June 13.  Senior Issues Conference Call, 10 am. Call 712-432-1500. The
access code is 759633#. Discussion Topic: Cooking for Pleasure.

June 30-July 5. National Convention, Orlando, Florida.

July 18-29 excluding weekends. Salisbury NFB BELL Program.

July 25-Aug 5 excluding weekends. NFB BELL Programs in Baltimore and Glenn

August 5.  Annual Crab Feast, Columbus Gardens, Baltimore, Maryland. 

August 18. Possibilities Fair for Seniors Losing Vision at BISM. 

August 27. NFBMD Board of Directors Meeting, time and place TBD.

October 28-30.  NFBMD 50th State Convention, Baltimore Marriott Inner Harbor
at Camden Yards Hotel, Baltimore, Maryland.     



Sharon Maneki, President

National Federation of the Blind of Maryland



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