[MD-AtLarge] NFB and NFBMD Scholarship Applications Now Open!

president at nfbmd.org president at nfbmd.org
Tue Dec 14 05:02:12 UTC 2021


The National Federation of the Blind and the National Federation of the
Blind of Maryland each administer a separate scholarship program for
post-secondary students.  The deadline to apply for an NFB scholarship is
March 31, 2022, and the deadline to apply for an NFBMD Scholarship is April
15, 2022.


National Scholarship Program: Each year, the NFB awards 30 merit-based
scholarships totaling at least $120,000.  

*	Scholarships range in amount from $3,000 to $12,000.
*	Scholarships are awarded based on academic achievement, leadership,
and community service.
*	The 30 scholarship finalists are announced in the spring and attend
the National Convention, where they are awarded a specific scholarship.
*	Application materials must be submitted (online or postmarked) by
11:59PM on March 31, 2022.
*	To be eligible, applicants must:

*	Be legally blind in both eyes;
*	Reside in the United States, the District of Columbia, or Puerto
*	Be pursuing or planning to pursue a full-time, post-secondary course
of study in a degree program at a U.S. institution in the Fall of 2022 (one
scholarship may be awarded to an individual who works full-time and attends
school part-time); and
*	Attend the entire National Convention of the National Federation of
the Blind (and all scholarship activities) in New Orleans, Louisiana from
July 5 through 10, 2022 (scholarship finalists will receive convention
financial assistance).

*	To apply:

*	Submit an application using the online application system at
https://nfb.org/civicrm/scholarships/login; or
*	Download, complete, and email or mail in a hard copy application
form by visiting:  <https://nfb.org/scholarships>


State Scholarship Program: Each year, the NFB of Maryland awards the John T.
McCraw Scholarship to up to four students with a combined maximum total of
$10,000.  Though the Scholarship Committee will determine the amount awarded
to each individual scholarship finalist, the minimum amount per scholarship
is $2,000 and the maximum amount is $3,500.  NFBMD may award a scholarship
to a former McCraw scholarship recipient.  

*	Scholarships are merit-based and awarded based on academic
achievement, community involvement, and leadership.
*	Application materials must be submitted (online or postmarked) by
11:59PM on April 15, 2022.
*	To be eligible, applicants must:

*	Be legally blind in both eyes;
*	reside in Maryland or be pursuing post-secondary studies at a school
in Maryland;
*	Be pursuing or planning to pursue a full-time or part-time,
post-secondary course of study in a degree program in the Fall of 2022 and
Spring of 2023 (priority will be given to full-time students); and
*	Attend the entire National Convention of the National Federation of
the Blind in New Orleans, Louisiana from July 5 through 10, 2022 and the
annual convention of the National Federation of the Blind of Maryland in
Towson, Maryland from November 11 - 13, 2022 (scholarship finalists will
receive convention financial assistance).

*	To apply:

*	Submit an application using the online application system at
<http://nfbmd.org/scholarship/apply> http://nfbmd.org/scholarship/apply; or
*	Download, complete, and email or mail in a hard copy application
form by visiting:  <http://nfbmd.org/scholarship>


If you have questions, please reach out to me.








Ronza Othman, President

National Federation of the Blind of Maryland


Pronouns: she, her, hers


The National Federation of the Blind of Maryland knows that blindness is not
the characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the
expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles
between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want;
blindness is not what holds you back.




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