[MD-AtLarge] Fwd: Celebrating religious diversity of Federationists
William Borner
magoo2265 at icloud.com
Fri Apr 1 17:26:22 UTC 2022
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
> From: William Borner <magoo2265 at icloud.com>
> Date: April 1, 2022 at 10:55:19 EDT
> To: greater-baltimore at nfbnet.org
> Subject: Fwd: Ramadan starts this week! Let Yaqeen help you get prepared
> Dear Federation family;
> With a mind to celebrate the religious diversity of Federationist, I have reached out to the Nfb‘s Muslim groups for information on the holy month of Ramadan,
> All our diverse intersecting characteristics are sources of strength in our movement.
> May we reflect on the holy days of all three of the Abrahamic Faiths in the coming month. more to come from our Nfb Judaism group and our communities of faith division is Passover and Easter approach. peace, shalom, Salaam
> Sent from my iPhone
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Yaqeen Institute <no-reply at yaqeeninstitute.org>
>> Date: March 31, 2022 at 19:29:08 EDT
>> To: magoo2265 at icloud.com
>> Subject: Ramadan starts this week! Let Yaqeen help you get prepared
>> Reply-To: no-reply at yaqeeninstitute.org
>> Greet Ramadan with Sadaqah
>> The Prophet ﷺ was asked, "Which charity is best?" He said, "Charity in Ramadan."
>> This year, ready yourself for Ramadan with a generous contribution made even better by virtue of the holiest month. When you help others feel secure in their faith, the action ripples for all of time and beyond.
>> Be a part of Yaqeen's mission. Act for your akhirah.
>> Let Yaqeen Help You Enhance Your Ramadan
>> The most blessed month in the Islamic calendar is nearly upon us. With no guarantee that we will live to see next Ramadan, how can we make the most of this one? Yaqeen has brand new content that will help you enhance this wonderful month like never before.
>> Click the button below to receive daily emails that will help guide you on your journey and read on for details on our newest video series!
>> Judgment Day: Deeds That Light the Way
>> Every action you take in this life echoes a reaction in the next. Were you generous or withholding, kind or cruel, faithful or faithless? The Most Merciful multiplies reward, but He is also The Most Just, and every soul will receive what it has sent forth.
>> This Ramadan, join Dr. Omar Suleiman to glimpse into the eternity you are building. Learn what worldly actions will ease your reckoning and light your way on the path to Paradise.
>> Season 3 of Qur'an 30 for 30
>> Qur’an 30 for 30 is a Ramadan series for everyone. Hosts Dr. Omar Suleiman and Sh. Abdullah Oduro will be joined by a different guest each day for the month of Ramadan to explore lessons from the Qur’an.
>> This year will feature a special focus on the akhirah, as we explore our life after death and the ultimate meeting with Allah (swt).
>> Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research
>> 7750 N. MacArthur, Suite 120237, Irving, TX 75063
>> yaqeeninstitute.org
>> info at yaqeeninstitute.org
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