[MD-AtLarge] {Spam?} Revised NFB of Maryland Policy on In Person Gatherings

president at nfbmd.org president at nfbmd.org
Mon Apr 4 03:34:04 UTC 2022

Hi Everyone,

The NFB of Maryland Board of Directors revised the In-Person Events Policy
to better align it with CDC guidance and as a result of feedback from the
community.  There are significant changes, primarily aligning certain
requirements to the transmission rate of the county/jurisdiction and
clarifying screening requirements.  The updated version is below and on the
website located at https://nfbmd.org/eventpolicy.  For questions, please
reach out to me.


NFBMD Policy on In Person Gatherings


This policy is applicable to all chapters, divisions, and the affiliate, as
well as any activities, meetings, fundraisers, or in-person gatherings of an
official nature.

1.       This policy augments any local public health requirements,
including those established by the State of Maryland and the County where
the event takes place.  This policy is the minimum required for in-person
events and activities and may be more restrictive than local guidance.
However, if local public health guidance imposes additional or more
restrictive requirements, the more restrictive requirements govern.

2.      The following individuals should stay home:

a.       Individuals who feel sick, including experiencing any of the
following symptoms: fever, sore throat, runny nose, loss of smell or taste,
or those ordinarily associated with COVID-19;

b.      Unvaccinated individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19 in
the past 14 days or vaccinated individuals who have tested positive for
COVID-19 in the last ten days;

c.       Individuals who have a pending COVID-19 test;

d.      Individuals who have been exposed to an individual who is known or
suspected of having COVID-19, for the period of time indicated by the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC);

3.      Individuals who purchase tickets for an event and either experience
symptoms or later determine they do not feel comfortable attending a large
gathering due to the pandemic may choose between requesting and receiving a
full refund or donating all or part of the purchase price to the

4.      The event host must have masks on hand for individuals who do not
bring their own or whose masks are damaged or soiled;

In-door gatherings:

5.	Temperature screening will be conducted for all attendees of any
in-person gatherings with more than 50 attendees when the county's
transmission rate is high (red).  Temperature screening is recommended for
all attendees of any in-person gatherings with more than 50 attendees when
the county's transmission rate is moderate (yellow).  Temperature screenings
are not required when the county transmission rate is low (green).   Anyone
whose temperature is 100.4 degrees or higher will not be granted admission;
6.	COVID-19 screening will be conducted using an affiliate
designated/approved screening for any event with more than 50 participants.
The event organizer will implement a screening process of its choosing, as
long as that process is consistent with CDC recommended screenings for
COVID-19 for events with 50 or fewer participants.  Those reporting symptoms
and/or recent exposure to COVID-19 will be denied admission; 
7.	Individuals must wear masks that fully cover their mouths and noses
at all times unless actively eating and drinking, and unless they have been
granted a reasonable accommodation based on disability or religion by the
affiliate President or Vice Presidents;
8.	Physical distancing is required at all events, e.g. 6 feet apart
unless from the same household.  For events where individuals are at round
banquet tables, no more than 8 individuals may share a table; 
9.	Events are limited to 75% venue capacity, but where it would be
difficult to ensure physical distancing as required by #8 above, capacity
may be limited to 50%;
10.	Those working the event, including guides, ticket takers, servers,
food preparers, etc. must wear masks at all times and must wash hands
frequently consistent with CDC guidance;
11.	The event host must provide hand sanitizer and/or easy, convenient,
and accessible means for event attendees to wash their hands consistent with
CDC guidance;
12.	Individuals may only eat and drink while stationary;
13.	When the COVID-19 transmission rate is moderate (yellow) or high
(red), food served at any event must be prepared by a commercial kitchen
that adheres to COVID-19 food preparation requirements;
14.	Individuals preparing and serving food must wear gloves;
15.	To the maximum extent practicable, event organizers must gather the
names and contact information for all event attendees for contract tracing

Out-door gatherings:

16.	Individuals must follow the county's requirements concerning wearing
17.	Physical distancing may be required at all events for individuals
not from the same household, e.g. 6 feet apart. 
18.	Those working the event, including guides, ticket takers, servers,
food preparers, etc. must wear masks and frequently wash hands consistent
with CDC guidance;
19.	The event host must provide hand sanitizer and/or easy, convenient,
and accessible means for event attendees to wash their hands consistent with
CDC guidance;
20.	Individuals may only eat and drink while stationary;
21.	Food served at any events is recommended to be prepared by a
commercial kitchen that adheres to COVID-19 food preparation requirements;

22.  Individuals preparing and serving food must wear gloves;

23.  COVID-19 screening will be conducted using an affiliate
designated/approved screening for any event with more than 50 participants.
The event organizer will implement a screening process of its choosing, as
long as that process is consistent with CDC recommended screenings for
COVID-19 for events with 50 or fewer participants.  Those reporting symptoms
and/or recent exposure to COVID-19 will be denied admission; 

24.  To the maximum extent practicable, event organizers must gather the
names and contact information for all event attendees for contract tracing


Adopted: August 16, 2021 

Last Updated: April 2, 2022





Ronza Othman, President

National Federation of the Blind of Maryland


Pronouns: she, her, hers


From: president at nfbmd.org <mailto:president at nfbmd.org>  <president at nfbmd.org
<mailto:president at nfbmd.org> > 
Sent: Saturday, November 6, 2021 1:58 PM
To: 'nfb-maryland at nfbnet.org' <nfb-maryland at nfbnet.org
<mailto:nfb-maryland at nfbnet.org> >; 'nfbmd at nfbnet.org' <nfbmd at nfbnet.org
<mailto:nfbmd at nfbnet.org> >; 'greater-baltimore at nfbnet.org'
<greater-baltimore at nfbnet.org>; 'nfbmdtlc-chapter at nfbnet.org'
<nfbmdtlc-chapter at nfbnet.org <mailto:nfbmdtlc-chapter at nfbnet.org> >;
'central-md-chapter at nfbnet.org' <central-md-chapter at nfbnet.org
<mailto:central-md-chapter at nfbnet.org> >; 'md-atlarge at nfbnet.org'
<md-atlarge at nfbnet.org <mailto:md-atlarge at nfbnet.org> >;
'md-sligo at nfbnet.org' <md-sligo at nfbnet.org <mailto:md-sligo at nfbnet.org> >;
'nationalharbor at nfbnet.org' <nationalharbor at nfbnet.org
<mailto:nationalharbor at nfbnet.org> >; 'mabm at nfbnet.org' <mabm at nfbnet.org
<mailto:mabm at nfbnet.org> >; 'mdabs at nfbnet.org' <mdabs at nfbnet.org
<mailto:mdabs at nfbnet.org> >; 'mdpobc at nfbnet.org' <mdpobc at nfbnet.org
<mailto:mdpobc at nfbnet.org> >
Subject: RE: Revised NFB of Maryland Policy on In Person Gatherings


Hi Everyone,

The NFB of Maryland Board of Directors has adopted a revised In Person
Events Policy.  This revised policy was adopted on October 31, 2021 and
supersedes previous versions.  The only significant change is that
individuals may sit at round tables in groups of up to 8 instead of 6.  All
other requirements remain the same.

This policy will be in effect at our State Convention.  Baltimore City has a
current in-door mask mandate, which is in addition to our own affiliate
policy that also mandates masks.  We will be taking temperatures when people
arrive at the hotel, and we will not give out packets unless we've verified
that temperature was taken.  We will have extra masks on hand if individuals
need them.  However, masks must be worn at all times in the hotel (except
for in sleeping rooms) unless the individual is actively eating or drinking.


WE will also give out hand sanitizer at the registration and packet pickup.


See below updated policy.


This policy is applicable to all chapters, divisions, and the affiliate, as
well as any activities, meetings, fundraisers, or in-person gatherings of an
official nature.

1.	This policy augments any local public health requirements, including
those established by the State of Maryland and the County where the event
takes place.  This policy is the minimum required for in-person events and
activities and may be more restrictive than local guidance.  However, if
local public health guidance imposes additional or more restrictive
requirements, the more restrictive requirements govern.
2.	The following individuals should stay home:

a.	Individuals who feel sick, including experiencing any of the
following symptoms: fever, sore throat, runny nose, loss of smell or taste,
or those ordinarily associated with COVID-19;
b.	Individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 14
c.	Individuals who have a pending COVID-19 test;
d.	Individuals who have been exposed to an individual who is known or
suspected of having COVID-19;

3.	Individuals who purchase tickets for an event and either experience
symptoms or later determine they do not feel comfortable attending a large
gathering due to the pandemic may choose between requesting and receiving a
full refund or donating all or part of the purchase price to the
4.	The event host must have masks on hand for individuals who do not
bring their own or whose masks are damaged or soiled;

In-door gatherings:

1.	Temperature screening will be conducted for all attendees of any
in-person gatherings with more than 30 attendees, and anyone whose
temperature is 100.4 degrees or higher will not be granted admission;
2.	Screening will be conducted for any events with more than 30
participants, and those reporting symptoms and/or recent exposure to
COVID-19 will be denied admission;
3.	Individuals must wear masks that fully cover their mouths and noses
at all times unless actively eating and drinking, and unless they have been
granted a reasonable accommodation based on disability by the affiliate
President or Vice Presidents;
4.	Physical distancing is required at all events, e.g. 6 feet apart
unless from the same household.  For events where individuals are at round
tables, no more than 8 individuals may share a table.  Where tables are
rectangular, only every other seat may be occupied; 
5.	Events are limited to 75% venue capacity, but where it would be
difficult to ensure physical distancing as required by #8 above, capacity
may be limited to 50%;
6.	Those working the event, including guides, ticket takers, servers,
etc. must wash hands frequently consistent with CDC guidance;
7.	The event host must provide hand sanitizer and/or easy, convenient,
and accessible means for event attendees to wash their hands consistent with
CDC guidance;
8.	Individuals may only eat and drink while stationary;
9.	Food served at any events must be prepared by a commercial kitchen
that adheres to COVID-19 food preparation requirements;
10.	Individuals serving food must wear gloves;

Out-door gatherings:

1.	Individuals must follow the county's requirements concerning wearing
2.	Physical distancing may be required at all events for individuals
not from the same household, e.g. 6 feet apart. 
3.	Those working the event, including guides, ticket takers, servers,
etc. must frequently wash hands consistent with CDC guidance;
4.	The event host must provide hand sanitizer and/or easy, convenient,
and accessible means for event attendees to wash their hands consistent with
CDC guidance;
5.	Individuals may only eat and drink while stationary;
6.	Food served at any events is recommended to be prepared by a
commercial kitchen that adheres to COVID-19 food preparation requirements;
7.	Individuals serving food must wear gloves;


Adopted: August 16, 2021 

Last Updated: October 31, 2021





Ronza Othman, President

National Federation of the Blind of Maryland


Pronouns: she, her, hers


From: president at nfbmd.org <mailto:president at nfbmd.org>  <president at nfbmd.org
<mailto:president at nfbmd.org> > 
Sent: Saturday, September 4, 2021 3:39 PM
To: 'nfb-maryland at nfbnet.org' <nfb-maryland at nfbnet.org
<mailto:nfb-maryland at nfbnet.org> >; 'nfbmd at nfbnet.org' <nfbmd at nfbnet.org
<mailto:nfbmd at nfbnet.org> >; 'greater-baltimore at nfbnet.org'
<greater-baltimore at nfbnet.org <mailto:greater-baltimore at nfbnet.org> >;
'nfbmdtlc-chapter at nfbnet.org' <nfbmdtlc-chapter at nfbnet.org
<mailto:nfbmdtlc-chapter at nfbnet.org> >; 'central-md-chapter at nfbnet.org'
<central-md-chapter at nfbnet.org <mailto:central-md-chapter at nfbnet.org> >;
'md-atlarge at nfbnet.org' <md-atlarge at nfbnet.org
<mailto:md-atlarge at nfbnet.org> >; 'md-sligo at nfbnet.org' <md-sligo at nfbnet.org
<mailto:md-sligo at nfbnet.org> >; 'nationalharbor at nfbnet.org'
<nationalharbor at nfbnet.org <mailto:nationalharbor at nfbnet.org> >;
'mabm at nfbnet.org' <mabm at nfbnet.org <mailto:mabm at nfbnet.org> >;
'mdabs at nfbnet.org' <mdabs at nfbnet.org <mailto:mdabs at nfbnet.org> >;
'mdpobc at nfbnet.org' <mdpobc at nfbnet.org <mailto:mdpobc at nfbnet.org> >
Subject: Revised NFB of Maryland Policy on In Person Gatherings


On Saturday, August 28, 2021, the NFB of Maryland Board of Directors made a
revision to #3 of the affiliate's Policy on In Person Gatherings and Events.
This policy remains applicable and binding on the Maryland affiliate and all
of its chapters and divisions.  


 Here is the revised policy.


NFBMD Policy on In Person Gatherings

This policy is applicable to all chapters, divisions, and the affiliate, as
well as any activities, meetings, fundraisers, or in-person gatherings of an
official nature.

1.       This policy augments any local public health requirements,
including those established by the State of Maryland and the County where
the event takes place.  This policy is the minimum required for in-person
events and activities and may be more restrictive than local guidance.
However, if local public health guidance imposes additional or more
restrictive requirements, the more restrictive requirements govern.

2.       The following individuals should stay home:

a.       Individuals who feel sick, including experiencing any of the
following symptoms: fever, sore throat, runny nose, loss of smell or taste,
or those ordinarily associated with COVID-19;

b.       Individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 14

c.       Individuals who have a pending COVID-19 test;

d.       Individuals who have been exposed to an individual who is known or
suspected of having COVID-19;

3.       Individuals who purchase tickets for an event and either experience
symptoms or later determine they do not feel comfortable attending a large
gathering due to the pandemic may choose between requesting and receiving a
full refund or donating all or part of the purchase price to the

4.       The event host must have masks on hand for individuals who do not
bring their own or whose masks are damaged or soiled;

In-door gatherings:

5.       Temperature screening will be conducted for all attendees of any
in-person gatherings with more than 30 attendees, and anyone whose
temperature is 100.4 degrees or higher will not be granted admission;

6.       Screening will be conducted for any events with more than 30
participants, and those reporting symptoms and/or recent exposure to
COVID-19 will be denied admission;

7.       Individuals must wear masks that fully cover their mouths and noses
at all times unless actively eating and drinking, and unless they have been
granted a reasonable accommodation based on disability by the affiliate
President or Vice Presidents; 

8.       Physical distancing is required at all events, e.g. 6 feet apart
unless from the same household.  For events where individuals are at round
tables, no more than 6 individuals may share a table.  Where tables are
rectangular, only every other seat may be occupied;  

9.       Events are limited to 75% venue capacity, but where it would be
difficult to ensure physical distancing as required by #8 above, capacity
may be limited to 50%;

10.   Those working the event, including guides, ticket takers, servers,
etc. must wash hands frequently consistent with CDC guidance;

11.   The event host must provide hand sanitizer and/or easy, convenient,
and accessible means for event attendees to wash their hands consistent with
CDC guidance;

12.   Individuals may only eat and drink while stationary;

13.   Food served at any events must be prepared by a commercial kitchen
that adheres to COVID-19 food preparation requirements;

14.   Individuals serving food must wear gloves;

Out-door gatherings:

15.   Individuals must follow the county's requirements concerning wearing

16.   Physical distancing may be required at all events for individuals not
from the same household, e.g. 6 feet apart.  

17.   Those working the event, including guides, ticket takers, servers,
etc. must frequently wash hands consistent with CDC guidance;

18.   The event host must provide hand sanitizer and/or easy, convenient,
and accessible means for event attendees to wash their hands consistent with
CDC guidance;

19.   Individuals may only eat and drink while stationary;

20.   Food served at any events is recommended to be prepared by a
commercial kitchen that adheres to COVID-19 food preparation requirements;

21.   Individuals serving food must wear gloves;










Ronza Othman, President

National Federation of the Blind of Maryland


Pronouns: she, her, hers


The National Federation of the Blind of Maryland knows that blindness is not
the characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the
expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles
between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want;
blindness is not what holds you back.




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