[MD-AtLarge] NFB of Maryland Financial Assistance Application Now Available - Deadline March 31, 2023

Maryland President president at nfbmd.org
Sun Feb 5 21:53:08 UTC 2023

The National Federation of the Blind of Maryland Financial Assistance
Application for the 2023 National Convention is now available.  The deadline
to submit applications is March 31, 2023.  Please note that availability of
support is lower than in previous years, and priority will be given to
first-time convention attendees, students, and those with significant
national convention responsibilities.


The National Federation of the Blind of Maryland Financial Assistance
Application Form for Federation-hosted conferences and activities is now
available. This grant is intended to assist persons interested in NFBMD with
limited means to attend conventions, seminars, and affiliate events.


Recipients of this grant must demonstrate genuine interest in, and
commitment to the blind of Maryland or the potential to develop such
interest and commitment. Recipients are expected to attend all sessions
relative to the event for which they receive assistance. Recipients are also
expected to assist with Convention and/or event activities.


NFBMD expects all participants to contribute to funding to attend events and
will not pay for registration fees. The Award Committee may award partial
funding to assist individuals to attend seminars, conventions, or the like.


Individuals requesting lodging financial assistance will only receive
assistance for the cost of at maximum, up to half a hotel room. Such
individuals will be responsible for finding their own roommates to share in
the cost of hotel lodging. NFB of Maryland will not assign roommates for
those receiving financial assistance. However, those who would like to share
their interest in finding roommates may give consent to NFBMD for their name
and contact information to be shared with others seeking roommates.


Individuals wishing to request financial assistance for the NFB National
Convention in Houston, Texas must submit a completed application to NFBMD
President Ronza Othman by March 31, 2023. Individuals must also notify their
chapter and/or division president that they are requesting assistance, as
NFBMD will seek verification of application contents from local chapters and
divisions prior to awarding any assistance.


To request financial assistance, individuals should use the
U/viewform?ts=62e742f5&edit_requested=true> NFBMD Financial Assistance Form

Individuals who need assistance completing the application and sending it
electronically should contact President Othman at 443-426-4110 or their
chapter president.



Ronza Othman, President

National Federation of the Blind of Maryland


Pronouns: she, her, hers


The National Federation of the Blind of Maryland knows that blindness is not
the characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the
expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles
between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want;
blindness is not what holds you back


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